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Some people come into your life and right when you meet them you know they are about to fuck up your world, or worse. From the moment you look into their eyes you realize they are toxic. It's nothing they do or say. It is just that gut wrenching feeling you get.

You see, as soon as I met him, I knew. That exact moment when I looked into his eyes. I knew. Don't get me wrong it wasn't "Hi I am Rhys, I am about to fuck up the rest of your life". No, no it was more.

I ran into this mysterious guy, stumbled backwards and watched as the corners of his lips slowly, but surely formed this smirk just as his hazel eyes become so hypnotizing. It is true what people say, brown eyes are only brown eyes until you fall in love with somebody with them. He regained composure, looked at me one more time and carried on his journey. I walked over straight to the other person in the room and simply asked "who is that". They looked down the hall as this guy continued his angered paced. "Rhys" they replied. "Doesn't talk much, kind of a jerk, honestly". I didn't see it. I should have saw it; but stupid, naive me: didn't.

All I saw was this tall boy, who looked pissed off at the world. Who as soon as I locked eyes with, a thousand and one butterflies erupted in my stomach, and warmth moved from the top of my head to the bottom of my toes. Where suddenly I was happy, and all my negative thoughts went away.

Now I realize we looked into each other's eyes for less then a minute but it was like time stopped, it was always like time stopped when it came to him. I'm going to sound like the most cliche person but I swear he has this effect on me where instantly I'm filled with joy. Even thinking of him now four months later, I find myself smiling, from the first run in, I have given him this power to make me the happiest I have ever been. I'm not saying I wanted to, it just happened. If I had the chance I would not take it back. I just wish I would have realized what I was getting myself into.

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