The Barber and The Lamb

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     Mr. Todd had fallen in love with an innocent little lamb. Lovely (H/C) hair and shining (E/C)'s. She was perfect. She was the only person in this pitiful town he didn't think deserved to die. He often watched her sing from his window. One day in particular he went down with the intentions of asking Lady (Y/N) if he could court her. 

   She was singing a lovely little melody about a mockingbird. Sweeney knew he wasn't the only man after her heart. Many men Tried, short, tall, skinny, fat,rich and poor. Yet she turned everyone of them down. If only they knew she wanted the attention of the man hiding in his barbershop, that's why she sang on Fleet street. She hoped that she'd catch his fancy. He looked at the people watching her sing, and he noticed that even married men would look at her with a certain level of want. Soon she finished and started to count the money she had made. It was roughly seventeen shillings.

"That was lovely my dear." Sweeney said while lightly clapping.

She gave a small curtsey and blushed before saying, " Thank you, Mr. Todd"

"Sweeney love, call me Sweeney."

"But of course, Sweeney."

"You sounded amazing (Y/N)"

"Thank you; Mr. Todd ... I mean Sweeney." She was a blushing mess.

He chuckled lightly, "(Y/N) I don't like how the other men look at you." He walked a step closer and held her cheek in the palm of his hand.

"Why might that be sweeney?" She asked smirking, hints of the blush still remained on her face.

"Because My dear, I love you." Sweeney found a soft sweet pair of lips grace him and instantly respond. They soon broke apart and lean their foreheads together. "I beg of you please work with me up in the barbershop."

"Won't Mrs. Lovett become jealous?" (Y/N) responds.

"Let her love, for you are all I see."

"I would love to Sweeney." She kissed his cheek then started walking to the barbershop. Mr. Todd's face grew rather warm. He felt so joyous by the simple action.

 ****A Few Months Later****

They had happily been working in the barbershop together when mister Todd figured now was as good as any.


"Yes Sweeney?"

"Would you do me the honor of being mine?" 

"Of course Sweeney, on one condition."

"What is it my pet?" He asked nervously not wanting to lose her.

"You must give me a kiss everyday from now to forever." She smiled at him.

"My dear I'm willing to double that offer." All fear leaving his voice instantly and was filled with a smug and happy tone.

He and her shared a very passionate kiss.

From then on sweeney worked even harder to hid the blood and gore from his innocent little lamb. He didn't want to scare her away.

Every morning he would holder closer and kiss her till she woke up, however this morning her reached over the bed looking for his love only to feel the cold sheets. His eyes snapped open and he looked to her side of the bed to see it empty. He threw on the first set of cloths he saw and went looking for her. He checked The Barbershop and The Pie Shop. Still no sign of her. It was only six in the morning he had no clue where she could be.

It was now eight at night and still no sign of (Y/N) anywhere. Mr. Todd was only getting worse. At Eight fourteen (Y/N) walked in with something held close to her chest. Sweeney was out of his chair in seconds and had (Y/N) wrapped tightly in his arm. He repeatedly kissed her forehead.

"Where have you been love?" Sweeney asked in a pleading worried voice. " I've missed and worried about you so."

"I wanted to surprise you darling."

"By giving me a heart attack." Sweeney asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No silly, by getting you these." She held out the small wood box with blue crushed velvet inside cushioning the sic matching blades. Stainless steel and wooden handles. Sweeney couldn't believe his lovely little lamb went out of her way to get him something so nice. Then he realized they must've been pricey.

"(Y/N) I hope you haven't spent to much on me." 

"I spent what I thought was right and I had found someone willing to sell them at a very low price, but that meant I had to get them myself. However I didn't think it would be a full day's journey." She responded with a smile tugging at her lips. 

"Darling next time you go somewhere tell me or bring me with you." Sweeney said trying to be stern but it just wasn't working with (Y/N).

"Okay, I love you Sweeney." She kissed him on the lips. He of course kissed back and with just as much love if not more than (Y/N).

"I love you more my dear, Now let's go to bed." He brought her to their room and the both changed and curled up together. Sweeney held tighter to (Y/N) without even realizing it.Not that She cared. 

"Sweeney, next time you take a life, may I help?" (Y/N) asked sweetly.

Sweeney tensed at first then relaxed and responded, "Of course my dear, now sleep." He kissed the base of her neck.

Perhaps His little lamb wasn't all that innocent...

(There might be a full story stemming from this one shot comeing soon!)

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