The Highlands

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Character/House Analysis..

Leo Dragen (First Cousin of the Prince)- Protagonist, diligent, intelligent, loyal, kind hearted, a master swordsman, handsome, tall, fit, and deadly accurate with a bow.. He wants the common people to enjoy peace, but believes that wars are necessary if it comes to it..
He is the second cousin of Prince, and his best friends since birth. They are born on the same day only minutes apart... His father is the Brother of the King and the Duke of the Land.

Tywin Dragen: Father of Leo, Uncle of Cassius and brother to the aging king.. Sharp, reserved, loyal, kind, peaceful, enjoys serving his brother, loves his brother and his family..

Tharos Dragen: King of the Highlands.. Stern but kind, loves his family deeply, and promotes loyalty throughout the land..

Cassius Dragen(Prince of the Highlands)-Antagonist-  Kind, playful, loves to train, master swordsman, prefers to dual wield, unaware of his status, almost ignores it, enjoys causing mischief at a young age, archer, ladies man, Handsome, Tall, intelligent, shows signs of his greed early on, interested in black magic.

The Moonlight Highlands- A beautiful Kingdom built on a Mountain.. With its strategic position, it makes it basically impenetrable.. It has been the capital of the world for the last 500 years.. When Dragen's begin building their kingdom they found mines in the mountains filled with gold.. They have used these mines to finances their kingdom ever since..

Forest Of Ashes- The rumored homeland of an Ancient Beast.. It has been barren for a thousand years. All who venture there fail to return. It is a ruined temple at the southern most speck on any map.. No one has ever adventured past the Forest of Ashes...

Scene One

A book titled The tale of TIdus the Resilient and Thoras the Destroyer opens as a narrator reads..
In a land far far away, long forgotten from the history books of modern men. Where mystical beast still roamed the darkest depths of the land, and Dragons were more than characters to improve a plot, but a force to be feared as they dominated the skies. There was one bloodline who came to command the raw power of Dragons. House Dragen, a noble house dedicated to promoting family, loyalty, and love for the common people. Through these beliefs Tidus— who would later be known as Tidus the Resilient,  gathered an army of 15,000 loyal subjects, from 5 different Houses, 3 of which were blood related. House Drogoon, House Draken, and House Dragun were the three blood relatives, House Smith, and House Simpkins were of non blood relation. Each House was aware of the overwhelming power Tidus acquired through years of physical, mental, and spiritual training. Some had come to believe he was a bastard of a Titan. You may agree with them, if you are a fan of such gossip. No one could provide proof of these accusations so I decided to leave that tale to another.
Tidus was the first of the Dragens to be worthy to place a saddle on a Dragon. He acquired the respect of this mystical beast by making a daring journey  through the forsaken Forest of Ashes.  Up until he answered his call to destiny, the Dragens had no kingdom to call their own, they were what you modern men would call wondering hippies. Traveling from one side of the Great Lands to the other plundering towns and villages that were known for veil practices. Such as slavery, witchcraft, and black magic. Tidus wanted more for his people, and on one such raid as he marched through a Castle overrun by Witches and barbarians, Coarshire Keep. As he strolled through the newly liberated market, his army was showering their king with admiration and respect as he passed. When suddenly he came in contact with a witch being dragged to the guillotine.

Kalandra: Your Grace

Tidus turns to the witch with a confused look that slowly becomes that of annoyance.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2016 ⏰

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