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Teeth gritted, eyes clamped shut and my fist pounding against my thigh. That's how I sat, as I experienced my second round of phantom pain lying in the hospital bed. The nurse came to my side ready to grip my hand but I shooed her away in a mist of frustration. I'd already convinced myself I'd gone insane, so this situation further reasserted that diagnosis. When will I stop experiencing pain in limbs that aren't even there?

Relaxing with a a huge exhalation of breath, I feel relieved that the episode is over. Looking out of the small window to this claustrophobic hospital room, my mind drifts to the events that landed me hear.

In a side effect of my long term alcoholism that lost me any form of a social life, I'd found myself driving intoxicated through the darkness of a frosty winter's evening. Blinded with remorse for my loneliness I sped down the highway. Alongside this intoxication I similarly became blinded to all road safety, which saw me passing through a junction disregarding traffic lights or traffic. No wonder I found my legs impaled by a tree upon the road side. That wasn't enough, however, I was similarly trapped between my car and said tree meaning it took an hour for them to remove me from such carnage. Of course, the cold of the icey evening didn't help much for my impaled legs who ended up with no circulation. Maybe they should have left me t-
I blinked rapidly as the memory was cut off. The window was now enclosed by dull, cream curtains, making the room more depressing than it initially was. I wasn't suprised to feel a tear drip down the side of jaw. Shakily sucking in a breath, my hands itched for a bottle of Jack.

Dropping my head against the rock-hard pillow I still avoided looking at the stumps that had replaced my legs.

What I'd kill to get me out this nightmare...

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