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I wake up from people all around me screaming bloody murder, I quickly sit up and look up around me. No one... No more screaming, no more pain. I get up and look around at my room.
"Of course..." I think to myself. I get a random shirt and quickly put it on. I call over to my mom but no answer came.
"I'm going out... I guess." I yelled to hopefully get her attention. Still nothing. I open the door to the outside and as soon as I open it the light blinds me. I fall back and let my eyes adjust. I walk out and I notice some people walking down the street fiddling with their arms and faves, I completely ignore it and walk to the library to study. I turn on my music and after a couple minutes of listing to music, I was interrupted by a news report.

"Welcome to 25 News on this beautiful, sunny day in San Diego, where there have been sightings of boils and sores all over people. The people infected are walking around like zombies and it is contagious. There is not a known cure and the CDC is advising people to stay inside of their homes for the next 42 hours. Have a great day and we'll see ya at 5' folks."
I looked around and started noticing all the people around me. They had sores(?) All over their body, I got up and ran back home.
"Mom!" I yelled, still not getting an answer. I ran to her room. I burst through the door and see her passed out on the bed. I start to shake her body hoping to get a reaction... Still none.
"Mom... There are people out there. They have sores and want to hurt us... Please... please wake up." I started to cry, tears falling on my mother's face. I got  my phone and dial 911. It rings,and someone picks up.
" 911, what's your emergency?" I tell them what happened and my address and phone number. I hang up and wait outside for them to come... They never did. My mom was now my responsibility, I had to do something for her. I just didn't know what.
-----------------------***********************----------------------- I Slowly put the dirt that was dug up for my mom's grave over her still-life body. My tears wet the dirt under my feet. I turn away and run, as fast and far as I can. I end up back in our apartment where the news broadcasters are going on and on about the outbreak(?) I turn off the TV and climb into my bed... I fall asleep in minutes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2016 ⏰

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