Baby, Don't Hurt Me.

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Baby, Don't Hurt Me - for skittles249

Prompt: Can you do a high school one where Phil is the bad boy and Dan is the weaker one -skittles249

Okay, so I didn't know if you meant weaker as in gets beaten up, or just generally less cooler than Phil, so yeah. I just went with it. :)

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Dan had known Philip Lester since he could remember (his mother was in the same baby and me class as Phil's mother or something, he didn't really know), and he had always been a lot less cooler that Phil since he could remember.

Maybe it was the fact that Phil was pretty rich, and Dan was not, but whatever. Phil had always had the better, bigger bike and had learnt to ride it first, he had the coolest toy cars, he had a limited edition Spiderman comic that probably cost more than Dan's house, but whatever. Phil was Dan's best friend, and Dan was Phil's.

Then, they hit high school. Phil went off to be in the 'cool kids' group, and Dan started to hang out with the losers who sat on the bleachers in sport and listened to music like My Chemical Romance and wrote depressing poems about their tragic lives. Phil started to ignore Dan, and yeah, it hurt. A lot. But Dan got over it, and started to ignore him right back.

Which was why he was currently ignoring Phil, who had decided to talk to him once more. “Howell, hey.” Phil said, which made Dan want to talk to him less. Phil called him Howell, not Daniel, not Dan not, not even Danny. Howell. Dan kept on walking, hoping that Phil would just go away, but of course that didn't work.

“Hey, Howell, can I ask you a favour?” He tried, prodding Dan in the arm. Dan wanted to punch him in the face and say, no you may not fucking as me a favour, you heartless fuck, because you left me to fend for myself for two years while you were off getting drunk and fucking girls. Leave me the fuck alone. But he didn't say that, because 1) Dan didn't have the balls, and 2) he was kinda in love with Phil. Always had been, ever since he had realised he had gotten a boner while showering with Phil once at the tender age of ten. Ah, lovely days.

“Are you ignoring me?” Phil asked, he seemed surprised. “Why are you ignoring me?” Was he really that stupid. “Hey, stop.” He caught Dan's arm and turned him around to face Phil. The crowd of students moved quickly around them, occasionally bumping into them and quickly apologising. It was because of Phil, because Phil was one of the most popular and a bad boy and all the girls loved him.

Dan tried to shake his arm off, but Phil held on, “Dan, seriously. Why are you ignoring me?” That made Dan freeze slightly. Phil hadn't called him Dan in years.

“You're seriously asking me that question right now?” Dan asked, his voice cold. It surprised him slightly, his voice made him seem a lot more confident than what he felt.

“What's that supposed to mean?” Phil seemed confused. Good, Dan thought.

“You, Phil, have been ignoring me for the past two years. And you have the... The nerve to come here and ask me to do you a favour, when you haven't even so much as looked at me over our whole high school lives,” He yanked his arm out of Phil's now-weak grip, “Good-bye.” Dan, then, turned and stormed off to his next class, leaving Phil standing in the middle of the now-empty corridor looking horror-struck.

- - -

The presents started turning up at his door a day after the fight with Phil. They were everything and anything; chocolates, lollies, flowers even CD's and books. There never were any notes, they were just wrapped in newspaper with the words For Dan written on it with bad handwriting.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Nov 03, 2013 ⏰

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