Stay Silent

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"Another victim has been found today, another child around the age of seventeen. It is believed the young woman was dragged from her way to school and skinned before being killed. Officers on duty have said the killer was the alleged 'Night Hunter', a serial killer who has been murdering teenagers and evading the local police for nearly nine months. The chief of the local police reassures that they will be able to catch the killer soon. Police officers urge citizens to drive their children to and from school until the culprit is found. The police-" Johnny changed the channel, his little brother making a noise.
"Come on! We need to know everything we can about that guy! What if we find out something? We could end up helping the police catch the Night Hunter!" He groaned, looking over at his little brother.
"Just because you're a fan of Sherlock Holmes doesn't mean you'll catch a criminal. Those people are dangerous! It's best to not get involved." His brother pouted, and stomped off. Johnny sighed, running a hair through his brown hair, looking at the clock. He needed to get his brother in bed soon, he had school tommorow.


Johnny. Wake up. We have work to do. Said boy slowly opened his eyes. He was surrounded by darkness.
"We? Who are you?"
Don't ask silly questions, partner.
"What do you want with me?"
You......really don't remember? Johnny shivered at those words. The speaker wasn't annoyed. They sounded amused, like they understood Johnny's confusion.
I suppose it's my fault. How about I help you out, partner?
Suddenly Johnny was standing in an alley. He looked around, trying to take in his surroundings.
So, where are we?
"We're at the alley no one ever walks down anymore. This is where the Night Hunter killed his first few victims..........right behind the school....But why are, how are we here? I don't unders-"
Be quiet. Look, here comes the main event. Johnny watched as a few schoolgirls walked by the alley, stopping in front of it.
"Alright, see you girls tommorow!" The girl laughed and waved.
"Try not to get lost, Rebecca!" She laughed and walked down the alley, half her face unseeable from the angle Johnny was at. He felt a sense of dread. He needed to see her face. That other half.......something felt odd.......
"Bye!" They were gone. And Rebecca turned, ever so slowly, and Johnny wanted to throw up. Half her face had been skinned, revealing muscle and bone. But he couldn't. He was no longer in control of his movements, he watched in horror as he moved closer to the athlete, and finally stopped at a respectable distance.
"Oh, hi Johnny. I didn't know you lived this way."
"Rebecca Sanchez. Congrats on your last win on the track team. Must've been hard to get first place." The girl's face lit up, a smile gracing her lips. It might've been attractive if half of it wasn't cut off.
"Thanks Johnny. That actually means a lot, coming from you!"
"Tell me Rebecca. Can I ask a favor from you?" She blinked in surprise.
"What would that be?" Johnny felt his face form into a smile
"Stay silent." She frowned.
"Why would I-" He lunged forward and gutted her. The first stab took her by suprise, as did the second, which landed just below her collarbone. She gasped and dropped to her knees. Hanging loosely from his hands was a blood-soaked kitchen knife. Johnny giggled softly as Rebecca's face contorted in horror. He wiped the knife off before putting it in his belt and pulling out a skinning knife.
" don't have any idea what a huge favor you're doing for me."
Johnny was in the darkness again. He was confused.
"What was that? Why.....what.....oh my god.........poor Rebecca........." Remember yet, partner?
"You're the Night Hunter! want to kill me......please, I haven't done anything wrong! Let me go home!" He heard what sounded like a sigh, and the silence stretched on for what seemed like an eternity. Then: You don't remember yet.....
Johnny woke up, looking around. He was in his bed. It was still dark out. A dream? He got out of bed, but instead of going to use the bathroom he walked into the kitchen, and reached up to the top of the cabinet. He was an oddball; a tall teen in a family of short people. He was the only one who could reach the shelf. He pulled out two very familiar looking knives.
"Big bro?" What are you doing up?" Johnny turned to see his little brother.......or what was left. The boy has several large hashes in his chest, and his face was horribly disfigured. But Johnny did not react to this.
"Hey. I didn't hear you come downstairs. What's the matter?"
"You're the one who woke me up, big bro. Are sure I shouldn't be asking you that question?" Johnny felt his face curl into a smile, the knives hidden behind his back.
"No. Nothing at all. Just getting a drink, that's all." His brother yawned.
"Oh......okay." A shadowy hand, seemingly invisible to the young boy it was wrapped around, drew an x across his jugular, a pair of blood red eyes and a white smile appearing just over his shoulder. He could swear he heard the word "here".
"Say, could you do me a favor?"
"My god........I.......I'm-" Yeah, partner. You're me. I'm you.......but we're both the Night Hunter. Johnny grinned, opening his eyes to see something confusing. There was a lady in a white outfit in front of him. Who was she.......why was she here? He looked around, establishing what 'here' was. A padded room with a cracked window to his right. The woman had a syringe with a strangely-colored liquid in her breast pocket.
"Hey, Johnny! How's it going? You've been a good boy lately, so we're going to try something different today. You should be proud, Johnny! There aren't a lot of good boys, you're lucky to be one of them! You and that doctor are the only good boys so far! So I'm going to take off your straight jacket, okay?" Johnny complied feeling annoyed at the way she talked to him. He was superior to her. What gave her such rights? But instead of saying these things he simply smiled, allowing the woman to move behind him. He felt the tension around his arms loosen, and he rolled his shoulders as he got used to moving the muscles in his arms. Then the siren came on.
"A patient has escaped! All personal on high alert! Any and all caretakers, please evacuate patient rooms and lock the door behind you with you're keycard!" The nurse frowned.
"Oh, I'm sorry Johnny. It seems a bad boy has done something very bad. Would you come here please? We need to put this back on you." Johnny chuckled, and walked up to the caretaker before swiftly taking the syringe and shoving her onto the ground. He eyed the potential weapon.
"Hey! Give that back right now! You-You're a good boy, remember? J-Johnny?" A shadow formed behind her, a white smile and red eyes quickly shaping. Its hand reached over, and carefully marked a small spot in between her neck and her collarbone. Here.
"Hey, miss, can you do me a favor?" Her eyes were fearful now........good. prey should know its place.
"W-what would that be?" His grin grew.
"Stay silent."

Note: If people aren't aware, the "doctor" is a reference to Macambre's Doctor, who escapes an asylum by pretending to be complacent. This is what causes the ending.

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