Author's Note

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Hello there to all my friends and readers:)

I know what you're probably thinking. Why is she starting a new story? She still has two to finish. I've been thinking the same thing, but please promise to hear me out.

I've been away from home quite a bit more than I expected this summer and as a result I haven't had nearly as much time for writing as I'd hoped. That being said, I have been working on The Gulf despite the fact that new chapters haven't been posted in awhile.

As I get nearer to the end of The Gulf I've been struggling a lot with how I'm going to end it. Happily ever after? Open to a sequel? Something else?

After much thinking, I've decided that my goal is to make it part of a series tentatively titled "Custodis Mortalis." And that's where this upcoming book Mother of Dragons comes in.

If you're familiar at all with the Avengers movies and how their storyline works I plan for my series to be kind of like that. Mother of Dragons takes place in the same universe as The Gulf and will share some references and characters but will be a story unto itself that can be read without necessarily having read The Gulf.

It should take awhile but my goal will be to bring together all my character/couples for one final book in the end.

So why am I starting Mother of Dragons before finishing The Gulf? Mostly because I need to develop certain elements of this story in order to properly intertwine its storyline with that of The Gulf. The Gulf will only have a few more chapters and I'd rather not have to go back and make major changes to the ending afterwards.

Thank you so much to all my followers and readers! When I first started here on Wattpad I never imagined having thousands of reads and hundreds of followers. You guys are the best and there's nothing I love more than hearing feedback and suggestions for how I can make my story better:)

I hope you enjoy Mother Dragons. Yet another chance for me to bring together my three favorite genres. Erotic Romance, Fantasy and Action.



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