I am back

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Nobody truly likes to be erased from existence. Seriously, who does? I have done many wrongs in the past, especially against my dearest. One might say I went through my midlife crisis, but in the process I hurt the people I care about the most. I am quite a introvert, but I make people think quite the opposite.

I was so surprised that someone could stand me that I panicked. My own mother threw me out, when I was able to cast my first spell. Said I had to take down the world. How about provideing some guidense for one. Altho I don't blame her. Seeing how her other offspring  turned out, one can conclude she does not have the skill. Besides would you put up with me? Demon babys are quite the heavy hitters, especially when it commes to other types of manifesters

There was where I was wrong. Somebody could put up with me, I just took it too far. Thinking I had nothing to lose, I went own to re-write this world to my own personal playground. I just wanted to do what other demons regarded as fun, showing them that I could take the lead. Too late I am now realized I was trying to fit in with the wrong kind. I did not need other demons to lord over me,tell me how I should use my wessel. Besides what was demonically socially acceptable, was not all ways the right thing to do, or the fun thing. Most of our so called morals are questionable, even for me, a demon. Altho Willy had always been,... diffical to handle, to say the least.  Gravity Falls was our home they like it or not, and I.... ruined it. Can we possibly go back now. Am we worth another chance at life?

Our human body is as fragile as other humans. We have come back to Gravity Falls to undo my wrongs. To start a new life as a respectable human. Make friends, help society, just all in all be a good person. Hopefully the world will take us in, so that I can embrace humanity. 

Isn't that right Willy. It is your Soltice, but its my game, and i want to play.

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