Where It All Started

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No one's POV:

It all started at Topanga's cafe shop trying to figure out the 3-triangle of Lucas, Riley, and Maya. The 5 friends were gathered around their usual table very aware that Zay and Farkle were with them.

Maya was the first to speak, ''We have to end this 3-triangle right now!" If no one was willing to speak then she would start the well-needed conversation.

"Well, what do you suggest Maya," Farkle questioned even though it wasn't his problem, he was also frustrated. This triangle thing didn't just affect them, Zay and Farke could also feel the tension. 

"IDK everything so confusing! What do you think Ranger Rick?" Maya frustratedly asked.          

(Maya's thinking while Lucas answers: Farkle looks so cute when he's frustrated, trying to figure things out. WAIT WHAT?! I did not just think that. I like Lucas right? Uh, this is so confusing!)

"This is all very complicated as well, Riley do you have an idea?" Lucas asked.

Riley shook her head no, confused as well. (Riley's thoughts: I don't want to get in between Peaches (Maya) happiness, should I just give up Lucas? But, I like him too. Why is this so complicated?!)

Zay happened to be thinking as they were talking while also having a bowl of jelly beans in front of him. Not being able to stand the silence anymore Zay said jokingly, "Well, who's gonna decide you guy's future? Jellybeans?"

(Awkward silence followed)

(Zay's thinking: At least I tried. I thought it was funny.)

Farkle's POV:

(Farkle's thinking: There must be a way to figure this out. Starts to think about Maya: I've has been in love with her since 1st grade along with Riley but over the years these feelings kept growing for Maya, more and more all the way to where we are (Highschool - everyone's in the 1st year of high school). A part of me wants to kiss Maya right here (so bad), and the other wants to figure out if Maya at least has any feelings for me. A crazy idea passed through my head - what if I were to kiss Maya, it sounds like a bad idea since Maya can do something even worse to me. But if she likes me then she'll kiss me back and no more problems with the 3-triangle.

No one's POV:

"I have a solution," Farkle said gladly sitting up straighter in his seat on the couch.

Maya jumped up from her seat. "What is it Farkle?" Riley along with Zay and Lucas said in unison.

"Maya do you really want to know the solution?," Farkle asked. Maya walked toward Farkle so they were only 5 in. apart.

"Yes," everybody said together.

"Well.." Farkle was saying but started to  wonder if he should do it or not.

Maya grabbed Farkle's shirt which caused him to stand up and face Maya face to face. "Tell me," Maya threatened, not loosening her grip on Farkle's shirt.

"Okay," Farkle said as he had made up his mind. He gathered all his courage and kissed Maya on the nose quickly. Which caught Maya off guard and then Farkle really kissed Maya on the lips this time.

Maya's POV:

Farkle took me by surprise first by kissing my nose than by kissing me on the lips this time. Wow, my stomach feels like it has butterflies in it. The kiss was sweet and passionate, that I wanted more. He is such a good kisser by the way. My mouth moved in sync with Farkle. I never knew I loved him or felt something for him. My first kiss and it was perfect no wonderful. My grip on his shirt only made me pull him closer for the kiss to get deeper. With our tongues fighting for dominance.

Farkle POV:

I can't believe it: 1st I kissed Maya (1st kiss also) and now she kissed me back. Wow, I love her so much and she does too. The kiss was soft at 1st but grew passionate. She kisses so wonderfully, I could have fainted right here. It's much better than my day dreams.

Zay, Riley, Lucas POV:

All are shocked, confused (Thinking WTF).

Riley (thinking): Wow! Who knew they loved each other? Peaches finally found her prince.

Zay (thinking): What just happened? Things took a turn real fast. Never expected that. But I can finally get out of here.

Lucas (thinking): I didn't see that coming! At least Maya has someone and I have Riley ;)

No one's POV:

 Farkle pulled away slowly not wanting to but he had to take a very deep breath. He turned around to everybody and said, "Problem solved!"

 Maya was in a bit of shock and happy as well. Riley, Lucas, Zay got over their shock and smiled. Farkle motioned for them to leave him alone to talk to Maya. 

Zay said, "If y'all would excuse me, I'm gonna go I don't know save a tree...".

Lucas said smiling with his arm linked with Riley's arm, "We'll see you guys later!" 

Riley says happily, "Remember Peaches tell me everything tomorrow by the bay window!"

Maya sat down with her cheeks heated from the kiss and Farkle sat right next to her. Farkle was the 1st to speak "Maya I love you-" before he could finish Maya said "I love you too Farkle and I have been blind enough not to see it. I thought I liked Lucas but you know what, I don't like him Riley does. I know who I have true feelings for now. Thank you, Farkle for helping me see that." 

"Its okay Maya I loved you since the 1st time I saw you & I love you, and only you. I'm happy with you. But would you do me the greatest honor of making me the happiest boyfriend by being my girlfriend?" Farkle asked Maya while looking into her beautiful blue eyes. 

"Yes, I'll be your girlfriend Farkle! I'm the most happiest girlfriend right now!" Maya said happily as they leaned in for another passionate kiss. They exited Topanga's happily holding hands and Farkle walked Maya home smiling and talking/laughing all the way to drop Maya off at Riley's house.

Maya + Farkle Until The EndWhere stories live. Discover now