chapter 1

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The music was loud as Ben stood at the small barque in a hooded jumper green jeans and brown shoes. He had shades on thinking he was all cool with a white bottle of oil in his left hand, and a metal sliver flipper in his right making stuiped little noise and doing somethink which only he would class as some type of dance. The water was sawying slightly as a lone beer can swayed with it back and forth a clear sign that Ben may have drank to much once again. He added more oil to the bqq which made the flames grow to a stuiped hight, laughing he stepped back saying "Hey Dom I think it's almost done." once the Flames died down as quickly as they had risen Ben went back over flipping a burger over and looked back to dom. "Hey Dom you coming out with us tonight?" Dom who was set in a chair wearing a brown top thick coat and jeans looked up from whatever it was he was reading and replied "no I can't I gotta fly someone to the airport." The two boys kinda looked simallier, short brown hair brown eyes the main difference was one had a bit more muscle then the other. "Besides." added Dom "what makes you think I will want to be on that rust bucket when you get arrested and that thing gets confiscated" Ben looked from left to right then back to Dom "they won't catch me, and f**k them if they do!" he then pointed out to the lake in one big gesture. " I was tracking them markers long before the lobster factory brought the rights....." As a oldish women started to walk over been the added in a yell. "ent that right Maggie f**k them!" as he yelled it he was moving his body in a back and forth action again thinking he was all cool and as for magpies reply it was one that made his head even "bigger". As Maggie asked for a beer Ben truned to the boat in where I was sat writing my back turned to both him and dom. He pulled out a big red contain from the lake which had a white lid that was connected to some rope so he could keep the bears cool in the water but also dry. As he looked inside it was pretty much empty bar a few empty cans. "Sarha" he said picking one up throwing it at me, just missing me and landing on the boat the slight clang as it hit the floor making me jump a little. "women. We need some more beer baby. " I sat their a few seconds then closing my book with the pen in the page i was at I placed the book pretty much by the edge of the boat swung my legs around and stood up. As I walked past Ben I glanced over to Ben more of a scowl and counted walking to were the beers were kepted.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2016 ⏰

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