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This is the prologue. Obviously. Don't be thrown off if you don't like it cuz it just sets the mood. Rest assured that the main 5 will enter soon.

Hundreds and thousands of years ago, there were two magical beings. . A sorceress and a sorcerer, joined in marriage, who were greatly powerful beings. Not only were they the last of the magical folk, but they practiced in the art of prophecies and omens. Idelle and Lorick brought forth three, very different, girl triplets. The first born of the trio was Zaria, she loved the sea and all of the marine life. In fact, she basically lived in the water. The second born was Tahli, a tall rambunctious girl who spent most of her time hanging in trees, sneaking through the forest, or manipulating fire in some peculiar manner. And the youngest of the three was Liati. Liati conjured wings on her back so as to fly into the clouds, study the stars, and learn navigation.
But those five were not safe on Earth. They were constantly being hunted down by people. Moving from place to place, surely they could not keep it up for long. Then
one night, the prophetic parents received an omen that Earth would be their end. So they created a portal into deep space, created a planet that they would call Nillett and taught their daughters how to rule.
This planet, if looked at from a side perspective, looks like a showcase box. With a seabed bottom and an atmosphere that forms the top and sides of the box. There is an ever present cloud cover and a waterfall that goes off the edges of the planet. In the center of the vast ocean lay a supercontinent. The only land on the whole of Nillett with jungles, forests, rivers, mountains, deserts, plains, and lakes, was a land made up of eight provinces: Mallonio, Savayli, Avallico, Sankri, Novila, Jovinoe, Briala, and Inigalia. The ocean surrounding has reefs, trenches, and underwater volcanoes, Kliall had four Provinces: .Two Kingdoms for two sisters, but the winged triplet remained. Liati wanted a whole kingdom in the clouds, with buildings and vegetation all in the sky. So a sky kingdom she had. Yilagetta was a noble Realm and the Wingeds were easily the most cunning of the three races. Forms of rivers that run among the cloud called vaporways have have a distinct dark blue tint and are what cause rain and snow in .
The celestial network of Nillett is extremely unique. There are three moons and countless stars, so bright that you can hardly see the blackness of the sky behind them. Though the top atmosphere is covered in clouds, the four sides of the planet are crystal clear. The moons travel around the sides of the planet; north, south, east, and west. Never going underneath or above Nillett These moons are named Wasto, Sisto, and Dorto. The sun revolves around Nillett, traveling in the exact opposite orbit of the moons. When the sun is underneath the planet it is night, when it is above, it is day.
The three girls have all of the creatures in their kingdoms limited magic, so that they can survive in the climate that they live in. Zaria gave her subjects gills as well as lungs and fins of some sort. Tahli gave her subjects the power of invisibility and, as an added perk, the power to control fire. And Liati gave her subjects wings and the power to turn a cloud into a solid ( though bouncy) surface. Each Governess gave their subjects a unique language of their very own so that different species could communicate.
But the three Governesses were not peaceful for long, after a fight between the sisters took place at a Nillett meeting, all of the citizens took offense and the Great War began.

Far away and years after war was declared unbeknownst to the parents, the two beings brought forth one more baby girl. They raised her just as they had the others and named her Evailia. But when they told her of Nillett and her sisters, she grew dark and distant. She knew that none of it is hers but she wanted it all. All three realms. Her parents foresaw the horror that would ensue upon Nillett if they didn't do anything, and so with heavy hearts they went back to the day they created it and wrote three letters explaining how to perform the ceremony that would kill Evailia, and put them in time capsules. Placing them carefully, they made sure that there was one letter in each realm, and left. Only to find that Evailia was gone.

The Trilogy Of Nillett: An AllianceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora