When you first meet

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When you first meet:

Undertale Sans:

When monsters were finally freed from the underground you were more than happy with this and accepted them with open arms. Others however were not as kind, but this didn't stop you from making friends with as many monsters as you can. A restaurant moved up above ground and gained many new customers, so many in fact that the owner needed to hire more staff; among those hired you were a waitress! The man was awfully quiet yet kind, his name was grillby, you had such fun working with him. You've made friends with a lot of his old regulars such as doggo, greater dog, as well as dogamy and dogaressa. They were all quite kind which you were glad for. Although today on the afternoon shift you were surprised when a customer you didn't recognize walked in and everyone greeted him happy to see him. Was he an old regular as well? Your raised your eyebrow at the thought.

He walked up to the stools and sat down on one to the right of the center and looked at you curiously. His grin widens as you walk over "Heya kiddo, knock knock." He says smiling, you couldn't help but grin as well, as you are a huge fan of jokes and a self proclaimed pun master. "Who's there" you respond "little old lady" you didn't know this joke so you were happy to continue "little old lady who?" He grins widely "I didn't know you could yodel" You laugh a fair bit and snort a little during the middle getting all embarrassed but decide to counter him. "Hey that was a real rib tickler; you hit me right in the funny bone! Hey I've got a joke for you pal...Why did the chicken cross the road?" You smirk and he flushes a light blue before responding "why?" You grin "to get to the idiots house. Knock, Knock" He goes blank for a second trying to figure out your joke, before shrugging and responding with "Who's there" You snicker to yourself and say "The chicken." Before having a fit of giggles, the skeleton snickers before laughing loudly with you "That was humerous; you seem like a pretty punny gal. I'm sans. Sans the skeleton." You look up into his eye sockets seeing two small white dots "I'm (y/n), it's egg-celent to meet you Sans! What can I get for you" You question him, he leans back chuckling "One order of burg and ask grillbz for a bottle of ketchup for me if you could" He says with a lop-sided grin. You nod and walk away.

Underfell Sans:

You had fallen down Mt. Ebott with frisk, you went with them through the ruins protecting them and flowey taking most of the damage but not letting them know how badly you were hurt. When you were finally about to escape with them and had to fight toriel you sent frisk and flowey on ahead while you took a beating from toriel. Eventually you convinced her that you will bring frisk back for visits and she cried apologizing and you went running after frisk. You found them a little behind a gate on a bridge and saw a skeleton sneaking up behind him, you snuck up behind the skeleton and watched what he was doing and as he went to attack after introducing himself to frisk you blocked and took the damage yourself with a smile. He was surprised "What the fu-" he stared at you as you stood back up hugging frisk closely asking them if they were okay. He flushed a little bit as he looked at you seeing all the fading wounds and scars thinking you were stunning and he admired how protective of the other kid, frisk was it ? He shakes his head growling "I'm sans, sans the skeleton and who are you kiddos ?" He glares at you both and you turn to him a merciless look in your eye "This child you were about to attack is frisk and I am (y/n). If you ever try to lay a hand on them again I will kill you got it?" You seethe. He shakes his head and chuckles "You'll have a bad time if you try kiddo".

Underswap Sans:

When monsters came to the surface you were ecstatic to meet them, in fact you're looking to take someone as your new roommate that's how happy you are about it! As soon as you put the ad out talking to muffet at her diner to ask any of the people that come there if they wanted to she said she knows of two skeleton brothers who'd love to. You smiled and waited as she called the big brother up telling him to bring his smaller brother, Sans as you thought you heard her say with him. Eventually a tall skeleton wearing an orange hoodie walked in with a short hyper looking skeleton wearing a blue scarf and cute armour in tow. The smaller skeleton was adorable! You thought to yourself as Muffet points them over to your both. The small one was bouncing with excitement as they walked over. The tall one smiles sticking out his hand "Heya pal my name's papyrus but you can call me paps and this is my smaller brother s-" The small one's starry eyes glitter and he interrupts papyrus saying "HELLO HUMAN I AM THE MAGNIFICENT SANS!" in a loud voice, papyrus looks a tad worried but your smile widens "Oh yes you seem very magnificent! I am (y/n) it's wonderful to meet you Sans! You as well Papyrus" They both smile and sit down on the other side. You decide that you would love to have them as your roommates and arrange a date for them to move in.

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