Once In A Life Time ( ross lynch fan fic)

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Ross P.O.V

It was a nice day in Nova Scotia, Canada. We had just got there to play a huge show tonight. I was more excited the usual. Anyway it was a nice day and my family and I went outside to play football. We all started playing. Then we looked around to see girls lined up along the fence watching us. So of course we have to show off a bit. All the boys flexed our muscles. We smile as all the girls freak out. We all went back inside the bus to get ready.

Chantel P.O.V

I can't believe I am waiting outside for a R5 concert. I am so excited. The line starts moving and we walk up to the ticket person. They give us the tickets we reserved. We ran in and got spots riht in front of Ross's microphone. THey came out to do sound check and i couldn't help but think he was staring at me with his beautiful brown eyes. I smiled as he walked off stage. Sandy ( My friend) and I freak out. THey came back out for the question part. Sandy raised her hand and ross chose her. " would you ever date a fan?" She asked. " Depends on the girl" He said with a wink at me. I was just frozen. The concert starts and the whole time ross sings he stares at me. I blushed the whole time.

After the concert, we were walking out and these guys in hoodies that covered their face grabbed us. We freaked out and screamed for them to let us go. When they put us into a room they took off their hoods. Oh my gosh it was Rocky and Riker. " Hey sorry to freak you out, but someone wanted to talk to you" Riker said. He pointed over to the couch. " and you can stay with us." rocky said to sandy. I looked at her nervous. I just walked over to the couch and there was Ross. " Hey" he said with a cute smile. " Hi" i said pushing up my glasses. " So, tonight when your friend was asking if i would date a girl... You were that girl it depended on." He said kinda nervous. " Really?" I said looking down. HE placed his fingers under my chin and made me look into his eyes. " really" He said. He kissed me. I kissed him back. " I'm sorry i can't" i said remembering i am only 16 and he was turning 18 soon. I ran from the room

Ross P.O.V

She just ran out. why would she do that is all I could think. I went over to her friend and asked her why she did it. " I don't know. I should go look for her." she said. " wait can you give me her number or something so i can stay in touch with her?" I asked her. She grabbed my phone and put it in. This was a once in a life time girl and i messed it up

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2015 ⏰

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