Take to the skies

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//TW Suicide Mention//

     Getting off the plane was when Dan realized that this was real. He was finally going to make it bigger than he did just online. He would finally be happy with his work. Not to say he wasn't already happy with NSP, but just something about the thought that they would be able to be even bigger made him ecstatic.

Dan had missed New York. Living in New Jersey meant that him and his family had taken frequent trips to New York. He always enjoyed his time in New York and it was amazing to be back. New York was just as beautiful as he had remembered it to be. The one thing that was just a bit more beautiful that New York was his beautiful boyfriend/band mate, Brian. Brian was absolutely stunning. Even after spending about five and a half hours on a plane. His beautiful blue eyes were slightly clouded with sleep but it seemed to make him just that much more pretty.

     Dan had been so absorbed in his fantasies with Arin that really he didn't know what was right in front of him. Arin was pretty, had nice hair, had beautiful eyes, and was just over all a great guy, but Arin was no where near as amazing as Brian had been for as long as Dan had known him. Brian was his now and their lives were only getting better. They had a record label that they were finally working with and they were together; nothing could tear them apart.

     Or so they thought.

~ About 4 months later ~

     Brian had been going out a lot later than usual the past couple of days and Dan was starting to worry. Not that Dan didn't trust Brian but really he was just in his own head and couldn't get out. The one night that Brian had came back super late had been the night that Dan decided to stay up and wait. He was tired, sure, but staying up until 4 am just to talk to Brian was worth it.

     "Hey Bri, can I talk to you?" Dan asked, quietly, not really wanting to initiate this conversation but needing to.

     "Sure babe. What's up?" Brian had asked as he went in for a kiss. When Dan avoided the kiss was when Brian realised that something was up. "Are you okay?"

     "Yeah I'm fine.. I just had a question." Dan stated as he fluffed his hair slightly. Something he did when he was nervous, and oh boy was he nervous.

     "Alright, shoot."

     "Why- uh- Why have you been out so late lately?" Dan asked, avoiding eye contact. This was one of the hardest things he's had to do. He loved Brian and the thought of him cheating was not something he wanted to think about.

     "It's just work stuff, babe." Brian blatantly lied.

     "Brian. I work with you. I know what work stuff you need to do and I can tell you right now that being out until four in the morning is not something you need to do for work. Please don't lie to me." Dan said, tears forming in his eyes. Brian's body language said it all. "You cheated on me didn't you?" Dan asked tears now running down his face.

     "Danny... I am so sorry. Rachel came into town and asked if we could get together an-"

     "And I wasn't enough for you so you said yes. I get it" Danny had finished, stood up, and walked into Brian and his shared bedroom. Brian raced after him tears now dripping down his cheeks also. He rushed over to Danny who was packing his bags and hugged him so he would stop.

     "Baby, You are enough" Brian cried not wanting Dan to leave.

     "Brian let go of me. I'm leaving. You hurt me. I don't know if I'll come back. Honestly? I probably won't. I'm going to New Jersey and staying with my parents and depending on how I feel I might come back, I might go back to California. I've been talking to Arin and he said Barry still has my room saved just in case I ever wanted to come back." Dan wasn't thinking straight right now but the thought of being with his friends again made him very happy and if it meant leaving his now ex and his record label he was willing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2016 ⏰

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