A New Ending

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I have to stop time. If I can stop it, Arran can get the bullet out. I rub my hands and think of stillness but nothing happens and I know it's not working. I try again. Think of nothing, think of stillness. I've got to do this. I've got to be calm and do it. And I move my hands and think of stillness and then it's silent. All is still.
I see that Arran isn't moving and feel my heart skip a beat. I have done what my father did, what feel like ages ago, I have stopped time. But I have to keep me and Arran moving so that he can help Gabriel.
I have to. Gabriel has to survive. So I close my eyes and take a deep breath and just listen to the silence around me. Then I focus on Arran. I pretend that I hear him breathe, that I hear his heart beat and see his gentle smile. I open my eyes again and see that Arran is moving. Slowly at first, and he's blinking fast, but then he turns around and looks at me.
-Have you stopped time?
My gaze is now stuck on Gabriel. There is so much blood.
-There isn't much time, you have to take out the bullet.
Arran nods and without a word he continues to look for the last bullet in Gabriel's chest. I stare into Gabriel's eyes that are still open, the glints in his eyes still but yet shining. I feel sweat dripping from my forehead and I am breathing hard, I try to focus on Gabriel and our moments together.
His smile. His laugh. Gabriel being Gabriel, the Gabriel that I love. I feel a tear roll down my cheek; I can't hold time still for much longer. I focus on after I had killed Soul, the moment when it felt like my powers grow. When I was clear in my head and it felt like I could do anything.
"I could do anything for you Gabriel", I whisper quietly, "and I will".
-I found the last bullet! Arran says and holds up his hand and I see the hunter bullet. My strength runs out and the world around us starts again. I move over to Gabriel and kiss his forehead.
-You have to heal, OK? You're going to be OK.
I hear him breathe out and another tear rolls down my cheek. But then he breathes in again, stronger this time, and I know that he is healing. I look into his eyes and I can see that the glints in them grow stronger and more of them start shining. I kiss him again and now I am crying and I know that he is too and I never want to be this close to losing him ever again.
-You've been away a long time, I whisper and I can see him smile, where you lost?
-I was wounded, he answered, not lost.
And I kiss him again.

We sit quietly by the river with our feets in the water and hands intertwined. The sun shines down at us and reflects in Gabriel's eyes. We are here, close to the earth and we are together.
We are home.

A new ending to Half Lost by Sally GreenWhere stories live. Discover now