Cut it Out

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*little heads up in this fanfic there will be talk of death, suicide and self harm as I'm going for the whole tortured artist vibe so yeah theres a heads up for you and this is my first fic so we'll see how this goes... okay on with the story*

Camila exhaled slowly. Making sure to feel the aching in her hollow chest as the breath was released.  Her eyes stung as she thinks about the words her mother just muttered. In her mothers defence Camila wasn't supposed to hear the harsh words she said to her husband. As Camila rounded the corner briskly she reviewed what her mother said "She's a waste of space the way she is. If she doesn't grow up soon we'll be parents to a dropout." She left through the back door and headed to the side of the concrete house. Tears started to fall just as her knuckles  collided with the wall. The hurt fuelling her blind angry punches at the innocent concrete. Her hand felt on fire as it soaked in red. She retreated away from the wall clutching her right hand to her chest trying to ease the pain in the now burning and enflamed knuckles. It wasn't the fact that her mother said she needed to grow up that made her so angry. Just the sheer fact she didn't understand how her daughter was feeling. 

The brown haired girl was sat on her bed with her legs crossed. She was going through the timeline of her recent life trying to locate the specific event that caused her to fall into this endless pit of despair and sadness. Nothing so far had sprung to mind. She'd been a depressed loser for the past six months not remembering a single occasion where she'd felt genuine happiness. Camila laughed bitterly, I mean she'd understand if someone had died or something but everything in her life was fine well not devastating at least and in all honesty, she felt like she shouldn't feel like this its unfair to all the people who have legitimate reasons to want to die. Her eyes fell on the digital clock on her desk. 1:43am. Groaning Camila rolled onto her back and tried to sleep.

The next day was a Monday and as Camila walked into her music class she spotted her best friend across the room.

"Hey you.." Camila smiled

Hey! Hows it?" Dinah replied as Camila pulled up a seat. 

As people began to filter into class Camila and Dinah caught up. They hadn't see each other over the weekend because Dinah had been out of town. Class commenced and the teacher suggested it be a practical lesson.

"Go and work on your group compositions." Mr Robinson tells the class.

The brown haired girl smiled as she really was not in the mood to listen to him talk for an hour. She found the rest of the group that she was composing with. It consisted of Normani the bassist, Dinah on Rhythm Guitar,  Ally singing and Lauren on lead guitar. Camila was on drums. Honestly she loved everyone in the band. She'd gotten to know them all because of this music class and they were all so talented. She was especially grateful that she had an excuse to talk to Lauren. Camila thought she was so beautiful and interesting everything she said Camila listened  to intently. Every joke she made Camila thought was hilarious. Lauren was intoxicating and Camila couldn't get enough. Camila was aware that her feelings were becoming alarmingly less platonic but she was relatively sure she could keep them under control.

"Right, whats the plan?" Dinah questions the group as they sit in a practice room.

"Well actually, I've got an idea." Lauren smiles shyly.

The green eyed girl played her idea on the guitar a nice melody her fingers moved effortlessly along the fretboard. Camila watched intently.

"But yeah. I don't know, I was just messing around and it sounded cool." Lauren adds as she made eye contact with Camila. They exchanged a small smile.  The group started to figure out a bass line and Normani asked Lauren to play her idea again. Everyone grew more and more eager at the growing song. Camila watched Lauren play once again in awe. Her eyes watched her fingers and her gaze drifted down to her wrist which was littered in cuts. Lauren's long sleeve had rolled down to show self harm marks. Camila was shocked and a pang of pain hit her chest as she stared at the beautiful girl playing. She had no idea Lauren wasn't happy. Why would she hurt herself she was perfect. The irony finally hit her, to all her friends Camila probably seemed happy too. 

The bell rang to symbolise the end of the period. Everyone in the band left the room to put away their instruments away. Lauren was still messing with her amp and Camila hung back so it was just the two of them. 

"Hey Lauren.." Camila started softly.

Lauren turned around with a slight blush from the concentrated attention from Camila. Camila noticed the slight red tone in her cheeks and was confused but continued with her question.

"Whats that on your arm? Are you okay?" Camila breathed and let the words fall out of her mouth worried Lauren would get angry at her for bringing it up. Fear crossed Lauren's eyes.

"Oh no nah nothing" Lauren tried to laugh off. 

"Lauren you can talk to  me about anything you know?" Camila pushed.

Lauren suddenly stopped her nervous frenzy of movement and looked the shorted girl in the eye.

"Not everything Camila." Lauren left the room leaving Camila to ponder what that cryptic message meant.

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