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My name is Eleanor Eros. I was fourteen when I started to hate a certain boy name Fred Weasley. His brother George didn't bother me because he didn't know they were pranking me and he would let me sleep during History without getting caught, but Fred Weasley how I hate him.

I'm a Ravenclaw, a prefect, and I got straight O's in OWLs and only one E on my NEWTs. Fred however was the complete opposite of me. He was a Gryffindor, went frequently to detention, and barely passed his OWLs or his NEWTs.

So when I was paired up with partners with Weasley in Potions I planned on getting an O even if I had to force Fred not to participate. Professor Snape said Fred would have to participate in order to get an O so I gave him step-by-step instructions on what I needed him to go. I took a risk and went to the ingredient cabinet to get some slug horns, leaving Fred alone with the potions.

When I came back I saw that he had done an amazing job on the potion. I was actually proud of him, but apparently he didn't do it completely right, and apparently he knew that. I dropped the slug horns in the potion and... well actually I don't remember what happened. My friend Connor visited me in the hospital wing and had to tell me what happened. Fred had purposely put too much vinegar in the potion and when I dropped the horns in the potion it exploded in my face. The impact made my head hit the floor and I was knocked out instantly. Connor and my other friend Oliver took me to the hospital wing and Fred only got a weeks worth of detention.

Ever since then I've hated Fred Weasley. I never talked to him, I pretended as if he was a gust of wind, and when ever I was forced to be partners with him I pretended to have a migraine and go to the hospital wing. I avoided Fred Weasley at any cost, but ever since that New Years Eve Party it's been getting harder and harder to avoid him. In fact he's kind of forcing himself to be in my life... but for someone else.

I'm just glad I'm out of Hogwarts.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2013 ⏰

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