Tiger Demon

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Chapter 1


Ok lets start with why we live in this trivial, old, and run down house for 5 months. it all started the day before we were born. We were not there I know but we had placed the facts to find out this part.

Our mom had a one night stand with this guy from a bar when she was twenty years old. She is now thirty eight. That is how mom ended up with us, but let me say that's not the whole. The man who sired us had a little plan for us.

Elektra Silver Lyric Namrah, my sister, found out that our father had sealed a tiger demon in us. The twist is that the tiger was split among us. For some reason we ended up with another tiger in us.

I am Keezheekoni Gold Namrah. I prefer to be called Keez. my right eye is a gold color, and my left eye is red. Elektra's left eye is silver, and her right eye is red.

I am native american and Elektra is a mexican. I know what you're thinking

"how can twins be two different races?" well first off we;re fraternal twins second our dad was mexican, and our mom was native american. That's all we know about our papa.

Anyway we were in the old side of town. I could see my sis in the corner studying to get her high school diploma. I on the other hand am studying for my DEG.

POV of Elektra

"E, how is your studying going?" Keez asks, using the nickname our mother gave me.

My dark black hair slacks down over my red eye.

"Er... swell." I answer. I lean back in my desk chair. I yawn as I look at my watch. Only three o'clock.

"Sister, the test is tomorrow. Let's hit the hay." I stand to my feet. With eyes heavy, I troll to my bedroom."And afterwards I can start taking a shadowing job." I squeal in excitement.

I wish to be an archaeologist.

I walk into my room, giving the illusion that i'm going to sleep. I shut the door and move around making sounds of someone who would be off to sleep. I turn off the light to my bedroom and sneak out, using the window as my exit.

The cold air bit my cheek as I move to my motorcycle. I push it down the road before, I turn it on as I jump on it. The engine growls to life while I stroll down town for a drink.....

I take a shot of vodka and another one. Then another one. I can feel the buzz in my skull. It feels nice even if I will regret it in the morning. A 21 year old man takes the seat next to me.

"Hello, there fine stuffff." He slurs in attempts to seduce me. I giggle going along for the free drinks.

"Hey," I flirt with him. His green hair bright as the fresh moss of a tree. Emerald green eyes to match. His physique is boarded with flat muscle and coated with pale skin. I bite my lip as he places his hand on my hip.

"Can I buy you a drink?" He smiles and winks.

"Sure," I scoot closer to him. "Can I get the name of a nice guy?"

"Luke, Luke Ruff." He answers then orders two glasses of the best wine.

I freeze realizing that Ruff means wolf. He's a werewolf.

"Ah, a surprise to see your kind here." I glance to my side. "Wolf boy."

"And you, too. Tiger." Luke wrinkles his nose as he takes in my pleasant smell. "Am I dealing with a little queen? One that hasn't found her mate..... or one night stand?" He presses his chest on my arm.

My eyes run over his body and think if I should have intercorse with him or take a walk.

Sex before an exam? HELL, yes!

"My place but, you leave before the sun comes up. Deal?" I make haste as I stand up from the bar stool.

He nods liking the agreement.


I shook my head at my sis she is always like this. She was all for getting jobs. For me, I'm not all for it. So I just go to my room not studying at all, if I study I normally fail. So as E got ready for sleep in her room. I fell into bed and fell into dream land.

The darkness surrounds us. The roar comes from the dark voed and I knew it was from him. I turn to tell E. Only to find that I am alone in the darkness. As I try calling out to her nothing.

I awoke in a heated sweat. Shivering, I got up and went out to find a stiff drink. I found myself at a bar called Mar Mar's Petals. The bouncer let me in with one flash on my fake id. Looking around I found there was a lot of pink in this place and it was a strip bar. Sighing I went to the bar and ordered a Gunfire, black tea and rum.

I watched as shifters mingled with humans. Thats when I noticed that this place was full of shifters finding mates. I downed my Gunfire and ordered another.

A white tiger came over to me. He gave me a sly grin and greeted. "Tell me did it hurt when you fell from heaven? Because you're surely a angel."

I slowly took him in and expand. "Is that supposed to impress me. Cause it is ain't. Also you should just turn your furry ass around and find another, white kitty."

He grind and moves closer to me. "No, I think you should let me buy you a drink."

I giggled; then did something my sister would approve of. "Ok you can buy me one hansom."

Then he kissed my lips. Not just a peck on my lips. Sadly, that is when my gift kicked in, my gift is that every guy I kiss will become "mine".

I knew I needed to get him out of here. "Hay wanna go to my place?"

POV of Elektra

Luke's kisses linger down my neck as I fumble his shirt off and throw it to the side.

In my the darkness of the room, Luke presses his bare chest to mine. I growl wanting this more than usual. It's the stress affecting me for the worst. I kiss Luke hard and needed.

"Condom?" I gasps as he dips two fingers within. He moves his hand all the way out before slamming them back in. He repeats this in fast strokes. My hips follow the rhythm of his beat.

"Yes," he leaves me on my bed with my legs spread out. My body his for the taking.

Luke comes back with our safety. His beast is huge for a pale white guy. More than a foot long. I want it. I stare as he takes his time entering me. He cups my breast and molds them into what he wishes.

"You want me?" He growls, his animal instincts kicking in. He sends waves a pleasure through my being as he pinches my nipples.

"WHAT IN THE WORLD?!!!" Keez screams, she stumbles into my room. "E!!!!!!" She steps between me and Luke. "Explain now." She orders her dark hair in her way.

"One night stand?" I question my own self aloud. "Urg, it was going to be a one time thing I swear!!" I kick my feet up not really caring who sees me naked.

"No, are you trying to get STDs?" Keez motions to Luke. " He may look yummy but he could ruin your life."

Luke growls. "Sorry, Doll but, you are not worth a lecture from another hot babe." With that Luke walks out without his shirt or pants.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2013 ⏰

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