A new home... An old life.

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A/n: this is the first story i will actually write and i hope to finish . i just need feed back you know comments and such to help me continue writing.mplaease read and comment


it was beautiful. the snow was, it reminded me of a great white sea. the sea is the only thing i have to compare it to seeing how i always lived by the sea. the smow ivw never seen. it never snows in warm places.i had no idea what to do in the snow and here i was moving into the great white sea. my name is keaton carson.iam a foster kid. ive been one for as long as i can remember. according to the state my mother was a thirteen year old girl who got raped. she chose to give me up instead of having to be a young mom is what my case worker tells me. i dont believe her though i think my mother gave me up because she didnt want to look at the worse thing that could happen to her in her life.

i knew when i was seven that case workers try to suger coat why your parents dont want you or why they lost their rights. and i also know that most people who become foster parents are only doing it for the money.which is how i ended up here in the great white sea. when i was seven i decided to see which families put up with the reject children of people just for cash. lets just say it took me three years tp push one lady to her limit and a week for the last family. and because noonw wants a foster child that is in the eleven year old age bracket. 

i just hope that these people are doing it for the right reason because a girl gets tired of all this moving. i mean ive been thrown from family to family for years and i just wanted to settle down and not be uprooted again.



your awefully quite back there, carrie, my social worker said.  

i said nothing i was upset with her about not telling me about this foster family. i had asked and asked about them for the first ten minutes of this three hour car ride and all i got was that they were very nice and that they loved kids. 

can you please tell me something else abojut them please, i beg 

well ok, what would you like to know keaton? 

well have they ever had foster kids before, i asked 

umm no they havnt and i havnt told you the best nesw yet! she said sounding very excited 

what i said 

keaton they want to adopt you, she said beaming 

how would they know that and they have never met me. they know nothing about me and thry want to adopt me! you have got to be shitting me., is all i say forcing my self to not believe 

i dint want to be excited about this only to get there for the week and be sent back because they couldnt handle my anger spells or they couldnt stand that i liked it cold. and if they had dogs than i would definately be sent back the same day.i couldnt stand dogs they just irked my nerves. i just wanted to be wanted. 

were here carrie says 

i dont say a word i just stared at the house scratch that it wasnt a house it was a freaking mansion. it was beautiful. 

it was old victorian architecture. with a hughe open porch and hughe windows. it was just amazing 

i taked it you like the house keaton, a female voice i never heard says 

i look up yo see a lady who looks to be about in her late thirties or early forties. she had long brown hair with blueish green eyes. i look down and i see a small toddler hiding behind her legs. 

jason... comes to my mind as his name. i look at him ignoring the lady. he has on a spiderman costume signaling that he was playing a game before my arrival. 

hello jason i say how are you? 

hearing my friendly tone he lets go of his mothers pant leg and comes toward me with a smile showing his teeth 

hi kea he says pway me 

i grin and nod my head. while talking to jason i didny notice the other two at all. a man about the ladys age and a young boy who looked ro be about my age. whilr i stare the guy james introduces himself and the boy josh. 

hi im james and this is josh our neighbors son, i see you have met kathy and jason 

i just nod 

right he says welcome to our home... your new home keaton 

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