The Call

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"Goodnight everyone!" Oikawa called out cheerfully, waving his hand in the air lazily as he walked off of the court. The setter then proceeded to pick up his bag and walk out of the gym. The night was crisp and cool, with the stars and moon visible and bright in the clear sky. A soft breeze rustled the leaves of near by trees and gently ruffled Oikawa's coffee colored hair. It was fairly quiet, the sounds of cars driving by and a few people's voices here and there being the only sounds he could hear.

Oikawa was in a particularly good mood tonight. Volleyball practice had been both productive and enjoyable, with all the members of the team playing exceptionally well. Their next tournament was months away and he was sure his team would be almost unbeatable by that time if they kept playing like they had earlier. Iwaizumi had only hit him with the volleyball once, and Oikawa swore he had seen the dark haired boy smile at him when he thought the brown haired setter wasn't looking.

Iwaizumi, who had been by his side since they were small children, was undoubtedly the most important person in his life. He had been Oikawa's much needed dose of reality, the one who saved him from himself and the one who Oikawa needed more than anything, for as long as he could remember. No one could affect him or capture his heart like Iwaizumi had, and the setter knew it.

So as he walked home, humming to himself with a bright smile on his face, his thoughts were completely absorbed into volleyball and his precious Iwa-chan. Not the fact that the light had turned green, and that he needed to stop and make sure no cars were going by. Not the fact that the man driving his car down the street was texting his wife and not watching the road. Not the fact the the car was getting closer and closer, going at a dangerously fast speed for a road with a pedestrian crosswalk on it.

A loud screech split the air and by the time Oikawa's chocolate colored eyes had gone wide, the car had slammed into him. For a second, it was totally silent. Oikawa tried to register what had just happened, tried to move or do something, but he could not. A small cough escaped his lips, sending excruciating pain throughout his whole body. A thin trail of scarlet liquid rolled down his cheek and landed on the ground with an inaudible splash.

Then everything went crazy. People were running towards him, someone frantically calling 911, the man in the car jumping out and yelling. Everything seemed to be happening in a blur. Oikawa heard sirens coming closer and closer, and soon felt himself being lifted into the back of an ambulance. He could move again, but barely. His whole body was in a constant state of agonizing pain, and the paramedics around him hovered closely, clearly worried. He knew he was dying but the only thing he could think of was how much he wanted to hear Iwaizumi's voice.

"My phone..." Oikawa tried to reach his hand up to his pocket, but failed. One of the paramedics noticed and immediately took his phone out, holding it up.

"Is there someone you would like to call?" She asked gently, looking down at him with a mixture of sadness and pity.

"Iwaizumi." The name felt soft, and just hearing it aloud gave him a bit of comfort. The lady quickly searched for the name in the contacts, and pressed the call button. She then placed the phone gently next to Oikawa's ear, and it rang twice before Iwaizumi picked up.

An exasperated voice said in a dry manner. Oikawa could hear that he was tired from the practice they had earlier.

"Hey Iwa-chan." He replied, relived and calmed by his spiker's voice. His own was breathy and weak, and after only two words he winced in pain and the paramedics struggled to get some more equipment on him. There was a pause on the other end of the call as Iwaizumi heard the noise and worried voices.

"Crappykawa? What's going on?" Iwaizumi sounded slightly confused, and a bit annoyed.

"N-nothing...what're you...doing right now?" Oikawa answered, trying to be causal. The only thing he was aware of was the desperate need to hear Iwaizumi's voice, and he was willing to do anything for it.

"I'm still at the gym, getting ready to leave. What do you need anyways?" The dark haired boy decided to ignore the weird noises; after all, it was Oikawa. All sorts of weird things could be happening

"Oh, I...see...has everyone else...left?" Oikawa felt himself running out of breath more quickly now, and a slight gasp escaped his lips as his finished the sentence.

"Yeah, I'm the last one here. I forget my water bottle." He could hear Iwaizumi walking around and other noises as he moved about the gym.

"Silly Iwa-chan..."

"We're still coming to practice early tomorrow right? You'd better not decide you don't want to at the last minute again." Oikawa could practically see Iwaizumi roll his eyes. He started to laugh but the sudden movement lead to him crying out in pain softly.

"'ll be there..." Oikawa's voice was now very breathy, and spots of black began to appear in his vision.

"We're starting to lose him!" One of the paramedics said frantically, and the others moved about, trying desperately to keep Oikawa conscious until they reach the hospital.

"Ok, what's going on? Seriously Trashyka-" Iwaizumi's voice was now accusatory, and he wanted to know exactly what was going on. An uneasy feeling had settled in his stomach and everything felt wrong. He was interrupted though, by the soft voice of his setter.

"I love you know that...right..."

"W-wha-." Flustered, and a bit angry sounding, Iwaizumi was caught off guard by the sudden and bold statement.

"I love you...more than...anything...or...anyone...I much..."

"Tooru Oikawa what is happening?" Iwaizumi was done with whatever game the setter thought he was playing. He needed to know what was going on and he needed to know now.

"" The voice suddenly stopped.

"We're losing him, we're losing him!" A paramedic yelled. Iwaizumi could hear this and the frantic struggle that ensued. His heart dropped and his hand trembled slightly, clutching the phone so tightly that his knuckles turned white. He was hoping desperately that what he thought was happening wasn't happening.

"...Oikawa?" His voice shook slightly.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2016 ⏰

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The Call - Iwaoi (Iwaizumi X Oikawa - Haikyuu!! - One-shot)Where stories live. Discover now