Fennel's Flashback

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⠀⠀The small rabbit looked up at the sky. She'd been traveling for two months now in search of a new home. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Visions filled her mind; they were fiery visions of red and orange flames. She gasped as her eyes flew open again. "Hey, I lasted longer than last time," she said to no one in particular. She continued hopping through the forest she had stumbled across.

⠀⠀It was two months ago that she had lost everything. Still, the little rabbit held onto what hope she had left. Her nose twitched as she smelled something delicious. Her nose guided her to a pile of Oran Berries that were laid out on a dirt path. Her naive mind told her it was harmless. She hopped over and began eating when a mesh net flew up and ensnared her in the air. "Hey!" The rabbit struggled through the net.

⠀⠀Two hunters came out of the trees and smirked at their catch.

⠀⠀"Lou, we're having Bunnelby Stew tonight!"

⠀⠀"But I wanted something else, Mikey," the other hunter complained.

⠀⠀"Don't care."

⠀⠀The Bunnelby stared at them in fear, but that fear slowly turned to frustration. "Do you know what I've been through!?" She asked furiously, kicking around in the net. "I've had meanie Fire Types burn down my entire home! They burned my whole family! They killed them! Now I've been searching for a new home for two months! And it's my birthday today!!" By then, the little rabbit was in tears.

⠀⠀"Wow, we've got a feisty one," Lou remarked, poking the rabbit with a stick.

⠀⠀Mikey pulled out a Poké Ball. "Houndoom, let's go!"

⠀⠀Immediately, the Bunnelby froze. Houndoom was a Fire Type. She stared at the demonic looking canine in terror.

⠀⠀"Houndoom, use Crunch," Mikey ordered. "We'll put it out of its misery quickly, and then cook it at home."

⠀⠀The Houndoom snarled and leapt up at the net with jaws stretched wide. However, before it could land its attack, a sphere of whitish-blue energy shot out and slammed it into a nearby tree.

⠀⠀"What in the name of Arceus!?" Mikey turned his head to where the attack came from.

⠀⠀A small creature leapt out of the trees. He bore a black cloak-like cape that covered his entire body from head to toe and the hood concealed his face. He held a type of staff in his paws. He gave a vicious snarl and spoke with a raspy voice. "Release her," he ordered. "She is under the protection of the Maleficent Sorcerer. He protects the Pokémon of this forest."

⠀⠀Mikey and Loud stared before they burst out laughing.

⠀⠀"Should we take this dude seriously?" Lou asked, still laughing. "Ah, shut up. This is our dinner. I've never heard of this sorcerer guy."

⠀⠀"Houndoom, Flame Thrower," Mikey ordered.

⠀⠀His Houndoom scrambled to its feet and snarled before releasing breath of flames at the stranger.

⠀⠀Immediately, the creature ducked and swiveled with speed and precision. He flashed by the net and cut it with his curved claws. He caught the frozen Bunnelby and disappeared into the shadows of the forest.

⠀⠀"Hey, get back here with our dinner!" Mikey howled. He felt himself being lifted off the ground and saw Lou and his Houndoom fly up as well.

⠀⠀"You will leave this forest and never hunt here again!" The creature's raspy voice bellowed. "Or you will face the consequences!"

⠀⠀The voice alone terrified the hunters, let alone the fact that they were already suspended three feet in the air. Mikey and Lou were dropped on the forest floor. Mikey returned his Houndoom to its Poké Ball and followed Lou as they ran out of the forest screaming.

⠀⠀All the while, the little Bunnelby had curled up into a ball. Fire Types were scary as it was, but any flame sent her into shock. Her body trembled for several minutes before she realized that a comforting paw was rested on her back. She slowly uncurled herself and looked up. The stranger had unmasked himself, or otherwise simply pulled the cloak off his head.

⠀⠀He was a small Riolu who had replaced the hood with a brown, worn fedora that had a golden symbol on the front.

⠀⠀That's when the Bunnelby noticed the scars. He had a long gash across his right eye. She looked at him under his scrutinizing, yet monotonous gaze, before giving a big smile. "Oh wow! Thanks for saving me! You have no idea what I'd been through!"

⠀⠀"There is no need to thank me." The Riolu's voice held a sort of tranquility to it. It was nothing like the raspy voice that had terrified the hunters. "It is my duty to rescue those who have found themselves in a predicament."

⠀⠀The Bunnelby tilted her head to the side. "I don't know what predicament means but thanks anyways! My name is Fennel. It's Fennel Suana. What's yours?"

⠀⠀Considering that the Bunnelby had introduced herself, the Riolu decided it was fine to introduce his name as well. The kit would most likely forget it anyways. "Storm Kaminari."

⠀⠀"Well, Storm," Fennel continued, oblivious to the fact that the Riolu was trying to leave. "I've been looking for a home for a while, and it is my birthday today, so do you think I could stay with you for a little bit? Please pretty please? You're so cool!"

⠀⠀Storm turned back to Fennel and narrowed his eyes. Why did this kit want to stay with him? Did she know who he was? Obviously she didn't, but most Pokémon who did tried to avoid him. "No," he said.

⠀⠀Fennel's ears drooped. "But why?" She asked, grabbing onto his cape. "I need a new home. It'll even be temporary. Please?"

⠀⠀"No." Storm tugged his cape away from the Bunnelby's paws. "I am not your family. Go back to your mother. She's probably worried sick."

⠀⠀"She's dead."

⠀⠀Storm stopped turning. He looked at the Bunnelby. This technique was hardly ever used, for it was an invasion of privacy, but the sorcerer would use it anyways. He reached out a paw and placed it on her head. Immediately, visions of flames and a burning forest filled his mind. He watched through her eyes and saw horror he couldn't even describe. He pulled his paw away and stumbled back. He stared, wide eyed, at his paw. His gaze moved from his paw to the Bunnelby who was almost in tears again. 'She's seen so much,' he thought. 'How does she stay so..innocent?'

⠀⠀"Please let me stay with you," Fennel pleaded once more.

⠀⠀Storm stared into her brown eyes. 'I will take care of her,' he silently vowed. "Very well," he said. He watched Fennel's eyes light up. "But there is no need to search for a home. You've found one."

⠀⠀"R-really!?" Fennel jumped up and latched herself to the Riolu's back. "Yay yay yay!"

⠀⠀"I apologize," Storm said. "I didn't realize who you were."

⠀⠀Fennel frowned.

⠀⠀"I'm your cousin," the Riolu lied. She needed hope. He wouldn't smother it. She needed to believe that there was still family looking out for her.

⠀⠀"Really!?" The Bunnelby's eyes widened. "I didn't know I had a cousin! I thought all of my family was gone!"

⠀⠀"I'm still here," Storm said, a small smile appearing on his face. "So you're not alone."

⠀⠀Fennel shook her head. She stared at the photo of her and Storm.

⠀⠀The Riolu walked over and placed a comforting paw on her shoulder. "What are you thinking about?" He asked. "You were in a daze."

⠀⠀"You mean besides the fact that it's my birthday today?" The Bunnelby grinned. "I'm just thinking of the day you found me."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2016 ⏰

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