1: The Story of a Broken Boy

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*Most chapters will be written in Lydia's Point of View, even though the summary is about stiles. However this chapter is an exception, it will be in Stiles' PoV.*

This is sort of a prologue

Stiles remembered that day. The day he sat in his mother's room, as she lay on the hospital bed dying. His dad hadn't been with him at the time.

Maybe it was too much for him, maybe he had a job. Stiles never really knew why he stayed away. It was something he didn't like to talk about.

He sat in the hospital room chair, and watched the lines on the monitor flatline. By the time the doctors had even realized, she was too far gone.

The doctors quickly ushered him out in the waiting room, where he sat holding his head in his hands. Stiles waited for what seemed like forever, before his dad had arrived and embraced him in a long, tight hug.

The doctors had confirmed Claudia Stilinski's death, a few moments before.

Stiles remembered her funeral. It was small, a few friends and family. He had never felt so alone. Like a piece of himself had broken, and there was no way to fix the gaping hole in his heart.

He knew the day would happen eventually, but not that soon. He wished, that he'd gotten to say 'I love you' and have her actually remember the real him. He knew it was a disease that killed her, yet somehow, he still thought it was his fault.

Now, eight years later, he still felt responsible. He still felt guilty, and he still had an unfixable hole in his heart.

His father put him in therapy, but it didn't work. No matter how many sessions he took, or why they said, he still felt, broken. He was broken. A feeling of defeat washed over him every morning when he woke up, and though he had never been professionally diagnosed with depression, he felt depressed.

Stiles slapped a fake smile on his face everyday for his friends, to cover up what he really felt. He was never open, to talking about his past. The only person who knew the whole story was Scott, and he swore never to tell.

Everyday, he dragged his feet around the school, and forced himself to keeps his eyes open during class. It felt like the weight of the world was resting on his shoulders, and any moment, he would collapse from the pressure.

Of course, it didn't make it any better when Scott and been bitten by a werewolf, turning him into a werewolf as well. Stiles would be lying if he said he didn't feel an ounce of jealously. In fact, underneath his layer of fake happiness, there was a thick layer of envy. He never showed it, but he felt it. Being a loyal friend required supporting them in everything, so that's what he did.

Even when every time, he felt like an underdog, the sidekick, the Robin to Scott's Batman, Stiles knew the best he could do was support his friend.

So that's when the real depression began. Each day it was harder and harder to cover up. On some occasions, Scott even asked if he was okay, and the more he asked the more Stiles felt like breaking down, right then and there. But, he didn't. Instead he balled up all those emotions, and one day he was just going to explode.

He watched continuously, from the sidelines. Constantly being pushed to the side, an after thought.

Yet, somehow he still managed to pull it together. To stay loyal, not vengeful. Even when Scott, his best friend, kissed the one girl he had been in love with since the third grade.

But now, he could barely hold himself up. The memories clouded his mind, and he was pushed farther to the side. No longer important unless he was needed for help.

Of course, stiles felt this weigh down on him constantly. He knew he was never good enough for Scott. So, he isolated himself. Started ignoring calls, skipping class, and kept his bedroom door locked at all costs.

He didn't want anything to do with this cruel, harsh world. He was broken, and needed to be fixed.

But that was the thing. He didn't want to be fixed.
Update: I suck at writing and I'm tired
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