CreepyPasta Stories And Poems

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Jeff's father had gotten a promotion at work and thought it would be best to live in a "fancy" neighborhood. Jeff and his brother Liu, were happy. I mean, who wouldn't be happy after moving to a new house? While they were unpacking, someone knocked on their door. When his mother answered, a lady said she was Barbara, and that she lived across the street from them. She introduced her son and invited Jeff's family to his birthday party. Just as Jeff and Liu were about to object, their mother said they would love to go to the party.
After they were done unpacking, Jeff went up to his mother and asked why she volunteered  them to go to some kids party. She said it would be good for them to go and show their neighbors that they would like to get to know them. Jeff sighed because he knew when his mother said something, it was final.
    The next day Jeff and Liu were at the bus stop waiting for the bus's when some kid jumped over their laps in a skateboard. “What the hell!?” Jeff yelled at the kid. He seemed to be about 12. Only a year younger than Jeff.
“Hey looks like we have some new kids today” the kid said. “OK since you're new I'll introduce myself and my friends. Over there is Kieth,” he pointed at a skinny kid, “And that's Troy ,” he pointed at a large kid who looked like he hadn't exercised since year one, “ And I'm Randy. I should tell you that there's a small buss fee for every kid.”
Liu stood up ready to punch the kid.
“ I hoped you would be more cooperative but it seems we gave to do this the hard way ” he laughed.
He pulled Liu's wallet out of his pocket. Jeff stood up demanding it back when they all pulled out knives and threatened to stab them. Randy came at Jeff when Jeff grabbed his wrist and broke it. Keith came at him and Jeff ducked when be tried to stab him. When Jeff stood up he stabbed Kieth in the shoulder, causing him to drop to the ground screaming. He didn't have to bother stabbing  Troy; he went down with a single punch. The bus rounded the corner and Jeff grabbed his brothers wallet and they ran, knowing they would be blamed for everything.
Jeff and Liu kept quiet about it. Liu thinking nothing other than Jeff beating some kids up. But Jeff knew it was more than that. When they got home, Jeff was in his room when someone knocked on the door. “Jeff!”  His mother called him down. It was the cops. “Jeff, these cops say they have witness's to prove that you beat up three kids. That it wasn't regular fighting. There were knives involved! They were stabbed son! Stabbed!”
Jeff looked at the ground showing his mother it was true. “ I did it”
The cops frowned. “ Looks like a year in juvy.”
Suddenly Liu came down saying it was him. Holding a knife, he revealed cuts and bruises, making it seem like he was in a struggle. The cops grabbed their guns telling him to drop the weapon. He dropped it and was took to the car. Jeff screamed telling the cops it was him not Liu. His mother hugged him and said, “ it's OK son. We know it was Liu.”
Jeff sat outside crying for an hour. He went inside to bed.
Slowly, days passed and it rolled around to Saturday.
Jeff woke up to his mother telling him it was the day.
“Son, it's the day!”
“What day?” Jeff asked.
“Billy's party”
“Mom, are you seriously considering going to the party after...”
Jeff, we know. I think going to this party will brighten up the past days. Now get dressed”
With that  said, she left. Jeff picked a random shirt and some jeans. He went downstairs and saw his parents were way overdressed.
“Is that all you're going to wear?” His mother said.
“It's better than being overdressed”  Jeff mumbled. “Well, this is how you go if you want to impress people”  His dad said. Jeff went upstairs and put on black pants and an undershirt. He couldn't find anything to go with it, so he thew on a white hoodie. When they got there, Jeff saw that Billy's parents were like his, way overdressed. He didn't see any kids, only adults. “Jeff, the other kids are in the backyard. ” Billy's mother said. He went in the backyard and saw that it was only little kids and they were playing with wierd cowboy hats and fake guns. Just then, some kid walked up to him and said, “Hey, do you wanna pway?” “Nah kid I'm too old for this stuff” Jeff  said.
After a while he gave in. He took the fake gun and hat and ran around pretending to shoot the kids. At first, he thought it was  dumb, but then be started to have fun. It was the first time he could get Liu off his mind. He stopped when he heard a noise. He realized it was Randy and his crew and be ripped the hat off his head and dropped the toy gun.
“Well, Jeff isn't it? I believe we have some unfinished business to take care of” Randy said.
“I think we're even. I kicked your ass and you got my brother sent to JDC” Jeff said. “I don't go for even. I go for winning. You may have kicked our asses that one day, but not today  As he said  that, Randy ran at Jeff and pushed him to the ground and punched his face. Jeff grabbed him by the ears and head butted him. He pushed Randy off him and rose to his  feet. Kids were screaming and parents were running outside. Troy and Kieth pulled out guns and yelled, “No one interrupts or guts will fly!” As they said this, Randy pulled out a knife and stabbed Jeff in the shoulder.
Jeff screamed and fell to his knees and Randy started kicking him in the face. After three kicks, Jeff grabbed his foot and twisted it. Jeff stood up and walked towards the door. Troy grabbed him,“Need some help!?”, and threw him through the patio window.
Jeff tries to stand and Randy pushes him down. He repeatedly kicked him until he coughed up blood.
Randy picked him up and threw him into the kitchen. “Come on Jeff, fight me!”  He saw a bottle of vodka and smashed it over Jeff's head.
“Fight me!  I was the one who sent your brother to JDC!”    Jeff stands up and he gets a feeling. Finally all sanity he has snaps. All he can do is kill. He gets on top of Randy  and punches him in the heart causing it to stop. As Randy gasps for breath Jeff hits him repeatedly until he takes his last breath, and dies. Everyone looks at him shocked. Even  Troy and Kieth. They snap out of it quickly though. They pull out their guns and point them at Jeff. Seeing the guns trained on him, be runs upstairs. They  both shoot, and miss. As they let out their last round of bullets, Jeff ducks into the bathroom. Troy and Kieth race in, knives ready. Troy swings his knife at Jeff, who jumps back and bangs Troy in the face with a towel rack. Troy goes down hard and now, all that is left is Kieth. Kieth is more agile than Troy though, and ducks when he swings the towel rack. He drops the knife and pushes Jeff into the wall. A jug of bleach falls on them both. Jeff wipes his eyes really good and hits Kieth in the head with the towel rack. As he lay there, bleeding to death, he let out an ominous smile.
“What's so funny?”  Jeff asks. Kieth laughs and says,“What's funny is that you're covered in bleach and alcohol. ” Jeff looks at him in horror as he throws the lighter at him. As soon as it came in contact with Jeff's skin, he instantly caught on fire. Jeff stumbled down the stairs and tried to roll to put the fire out. But it was no use. He was a walking torch. As the alcohol burned him, the bleach bleached his skin. The last thing he remembered was his parents and other adults rushing towards him to put put the flame. That's when he passed out.
When he woke up there was a cast on his  head. He could also feel one in his shoulder and stitches all over his body. He felt a small tube in his arm and when he got up it fell out and a nurse rushed in, pushed him down, and put it back in his arm. “I don't think you're ready to get up just yet ”  she said. 
He waited for  hours and his mom's voice. “ honey, Are you OK?” 
Of course he couldn't answer. She finally said, “ oh honey, I have great news! After what happened to Randy, the witnesses admitted that Randy started it. They've agreed to let Liu out!”
With that, Jeff almost jumped up, but he remembered the tube in his arm. “He'll be out by tomorrow. ”  She hugged him and left. The next couple of weeks were a blur for Jeff. Just a lot of visits. Then, the day came. The bandages are being removed.

“Lets hope for the best ”
The doctor said as he removed the last bandage.
His mother screamed at the sight of his face. His dad and Liu looked at him awestruck.

“What happened to my face?”  Jeff said. He got up, ran to the bathroom, and looked in the mirror. He looked terrible. His lips were burnt a dark shade of red. His face was bleached white and his hair? It was singed from brown to black. He looked at his family, and then the mirror.
“Jeff, it's not that bad ” Liu said.
“Are you kidding!? ”  Jeff said, “ it's perfect! It goes great with me doesn't it?”
Now remember, Jeff lost all his sanity. Some describe him as psycho.
Later that night, Jeff's mother heard a noise from down the hall. She walked into the bathroom and saw Jeff. He had cuts on his face. “Jeff! Your face! What happened, ”  his mom said.
“ I couldn't keep smiling mommy! It hurt after a while. So I made a smile. So I can smile forever. ”
Then, she saw his eyes.     “ Jeff ! What happened to your eyes?”
“I couldn't keep my eyes open to see my face. I started getting sleepy mommy. Now I can see .y face forever!”   He had burned his eyelids out and cut a bloody smile into his face. His mother started backing up.
“Whats the matter mommy? Don't you like my face?”  Jeff asked.
“Y-yes I'm just gonna go get daddy so h-he can see your face. ” She backed up and ran to the bedroom to wake her husband.
“Honey get the gun we-”
She didn't see Jeff behind her. “You lied mommy.”
He said as he plunged the knife into his mother and father. “Now go to sleep...”
He ran to his brothers room and jumped on him. Liu kicked and screamed at Jeff. Jeff finally said, “Sh.. Go to sleep...”  And he killed him.

Note: hey guys! I hope you liked this! If you want more creepy pasta stories posted,  tell me the ones you want and I'll pick 2 for the next 2 chapters! Thanks for reading guys!
BTW, Jeff is my favorite creepypasta! That's why I did Jeff first.
††††Peace out††††

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2016 ⏰

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