The Findings

8 1 4

~October 21,1992

"Kaden! Wake's time for school!" A voice called from down the stairs. I groaned with annoyance and sat up, looking at my alarm clock. "It's freakin' 6 o'clock in the morning! And it's Monday! You're not supposed to wake me up until 7!" I shouted back as I sighed and began getting ready. "Another day..Another life.." I muttered under my breath, grabbing my backpack and walking downstairs. "Do you want hot chocolate for breakfast?" My foster mother Alex asked. " thanks..I have a big test today and I'm too nervous to eat anything.." Alex nodded with understanding before handing me some money. "Then buy something for lunch at the cafeteria.." She said softly, as my brown eyes looked up at her. "Thanks.." I said softly, hugging her before getting my black leather boots on and throwing on my jacket. "Come straight home after school!" She called out as I nodded and walked outside. 'I hate the rain..' I thought to myself, the droplets splashing in my face and hitting my glasses. I pulled my hood over my head, put my music on and put my head phones in my ears, heading to the bus stop.


I arrived at school on time..for once. I shook the water off my hood before walking upstairs and opening my locker. I grabbed my binder out of my bag, put my bag in my locker and then took my jacket off, throwing it in on top of my bag. I grabbed my lock and closed the door before putting the lock back on my locker. After picking my binder up off the floor, I walked across the hall to my math class.




//I'm just publishing so my friends can read it

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2016 ⏰

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