Fall Away

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"Wake up, you are late for school!" yelled Tyler's mom.

"I'm going!" said Tyler as he yawned and stretched .fucking school, wish I could just run away from here, he thought.

When he was going downstairs he ran into his brother.

"Hey Tyler, remember that later we have to go to my friend's show." said Zack.

"Sure, what time shall we meet?"

"Be at home at 7 p.m, the show starts at 8 p.m so remember to bring a jacket because will be cold." said Zack while leaving the room.

"Okay." said Tyler while he sat down to have breakfast. "Wait, where are you going? You are not supposed to left until 9 a.m and it's only 8 o'clock."

"Yeah..." said Zack nervous. "I have to... see a friend."

He's obviously lying thought Tyler Meh, sure it's nothing important.

After high school Tyler and Zack went to the show, it was getting darker and cold, Tyler took off his black jacket, he was wearing a red shirt with a black skull, after greet Zack's friends they were ready to enjoy the show.

It was a small place so they were at the barrier, they were having a good time.

"They are better than you told me" said Tyler excited.

"Yeah they are so cool".

Suddenly an angry voice yelled. "Zack you idiot come here!"

Zack tried to ran away but the chaser got him.

After Zack received a couple of hits Tyler appeared with a crowbar and hit that guy in the leg, the guy left with his right leg broken.

"Are you going to explain me what's this about?" Tyler said angry.

"I'll tell you at home, let's go." while standing up.

"Wait, I left my jacket at the venue, see you at home."

Tyler went to pick his jacket.

"Hey Tyler, where is your brother? What happened?" asked Zack's friend.

"I don't know, I asked my brother but he said he would tell me at home, see you."

"See you."

When Tyler left the venue a couple of cops stopped him, they seem serious.

"Come here, we have some questions for you, can you take off your jacket?" asked the cop with an intimidating look.

"Sure, what's the problem?" the cop didn't answer.

After Tyler took off his jacket, the cops talked to each other, they seemed confident, like they already solve their doubts and Tyler thought he might be in trouble, he could hear how one said yes, it's the same shirt we were looking for.

"Tell me, what were you doing 10 minutes ago?" asked the police.

Shit, they are here for that guy, I'm fucked. thought Tyler, but he tried to lie "I-I was in a show with my brother" he said nervously.

"A neighbor saw you beating a guy, but you were defending the other guy, why did you defend him?"

Shit, I can't say it's my brother or they will go after him. "I-I don't know, I was just walking and that they were fighting."

The cops looked at each other, they knew that Tyler was lying, but they didn't want to lose more time, they were tired and they wanted to go home.

"Well." one of the cops said. "you are coming with us and will spend a night in a cell."

Fall AwayWhere stories live. Discover now