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on a Starfleet ship by the name of the USS Kelvin many men and women were doing their jobs two men on named George Kirk the other his best friend Tithern Scrathin beside him piloting the ship like he always did these two men go way back to when they meet when they were thirteen when Tithern was a ran away after his mother died George family took him in when they found out he didn't have a home the two became like brother they did everything together from playing kick ball to going to school to entering Starfleet to even getting married Tithern wife Marko was expecting a child as well as George's. Tithern and Marko have been trying to come up with names but when one says one the other says no almost right away. Tithern wife was a very nice person when you got to know her but when her first meet her she comes off as stubborn and cold and it takes a lot to break her walls down that she built up over the years after she lost her older brother Avery. but Tithern not one to give up he chased her for almost four years before he got her to say yes to him just for a drink but soon Marko found herself falling for the happy man that could make anyone smile and would do anything to protected his friends and family he was known for being a strong Willed man and when he wants to fight for something nothing can change his mind Tithern smile about thinking about the name he had just come up with if his child was a girl he didn't care if he had a son or a daughter he would love the child all the same

I know the smirk said George looking at his friend

What smirk asked Tithern

What's it this time

What's what?

The name you came up with all the names Marko told me are non-normal names Tithe

Well who said I came up with one?

Oh please Tithe you my brother pretty much I know that is what it is now tell me


Auro where you come up with that one George asked

But before Tithern could answer someone spoke up

USS Kelvin, go to Starfleet base

Starfleet base we've sent you a transmission did you receive

But when a nurse came into the room she walked to Tithern and whispered in his ear George looked to him Tithern looked to his captain he nodded knowing

Mikael take over flight control while Tithern is away

Yes sir

Tithern got out of his chair and ran out of the room to where his wife was the nurse went into the room first you could hear the screams from Marko as she pushed the nurse from before let Tithern in the want and stood beside his wife she held onto his hand she closed her eyes as she pushed one last time than you could hear cries of the new born baby

It's a girl said the doctor he gave the new parents their daughter Marko held onto her

she got your eyes said Marko to her husband he looked at his daughter with a smile on his face Marko smiled at him than looked back to her daughter from first glance you could tell she was Tithern daughter she looked just like him so far

You want to hold her

Tithern nodded and then Marko slowly handed their daughter to him Tithern smiled as he held his daughter he couldn't help but smile she grabbed onto his finger for a sec before letting go of it he then gave her back to his wife

Any name yet he asked Marko

None comes to mind right now what about you

I got one he said with a smile

Your The Light In My Life Star Trek James T KirkWhere stories live. Discover now