Part 1

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Ellianna's Pov

Today is the day,im going to tell Jungkook how I truly feel.That I love him.Im very forward and outspoken if I have to say something I have to say it.It either comes out willingly or unexpectedly,and I prefer the first option than the latter.

I begin to sort myself,like duh who would want to confess looking like the back end of a horse.Not Me!.

I have naturally curly hair ,which in its natural state reaches my bra starp.However when straightened it reaches my waist line. I rarely straighten my hair unless absolutely necessary and I mean ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY.Im not afraid to admit I'm a lazy person,what I would call my dream heaven is me,a couch and a bag of crips (British term for chips) and my xbox1.Never to fond of a PlayStation not really my taste.

I begin my makeup,now this is where everything F*cks up.I never put on makeup as I suck at it,in my opinion I think I look fairly good without makeup.But don't ask them girls who look like they're auditioning for a job as a clown,as they might think different.Jungkook better appreciate what I'm doing for him otherwise,I'm gonna get this mascara thing and stick it where the sun don't shine!.

Anyway I manage to get eyeliner on my f*cking nose so I wash it off and go find my mother,yes me a almost 18 yr old girl needs her mother to do her makeup.Don't Judge Me Please!

"Mom!!!".I shouted why running down the stairs,keep in mind my mother who was born and raised in Africa is hella strict.
"Who are you shouting at like that!".My mother shouted back at me while screwing me,if looks could kill I'll be flat on the floor.
" one".I said trying my best to not give off attitude.
"That's what I thought".She replied sticking her nose in the air as a sign of victory.
"That's what I thought"I mimicked under my breath.Bad Move.I earned myself a slap across the face while being dragged to the living room by my ear.Jesus woman you didn't tell me you were on your period.

"Mummy can you do my makeup please"I said while doing the aegyo Jungkook taught me.
"You do know I'm not Korean so that aegyo you keep doing doesn't work,and it seems Jungkook has not been teaching you properly.It looks like your having a seizure"she said laughing her ass off.
"Your one to talk as you look like your having one right now" I thought to myself while snickering.
"Whats funny"she said suddenly giving me the death stare.I gulp.
"Your joke"I said cautiously.
"Oh...I know right"she said beginning her laughing fit again. Bloody hell.
"Mum will you help"I asked desperately
"Yes dear,when you confess make it memorable"
"How the fu- heck did you find out".I say quickly saving myself
"I have my ways"she said smirking.I looked at her in disbelief,im not scared of no one but my mother when she says she has ways my mind drifts to 3 things.

1.She is spying on me

2.She has camera's in the house

3.Juju (voodoo) is real

My mind skips the first two and goes straight to the 3rd one.
"Mum do you do juju"I said stuttering scared of her answer
"Sweetheart if I did juju don't you think I would have made you pretty"she asks innocently.
"Mum that's not funny"I said genuinely hurt.I felt like I was about to explode with anger that I had to bite down on my lip to stop or the curse words from flowing out my mouth.
"Darling I kid don't be so sensitive"she said laughing
"I ain't sensitive"I growled.She them pinched my ear.
"Lower you tone do I look like I'm one of your little friends"she said seriously.Honestly the word "friends"should not be plural as I only have one friend.Jeon f*cking hot Jungkook.

Once she finished my makeup,i looked in the mirror and smiled.I looked hot,my make up consist of foundation which matches my light brown skin tone ,blush, mascara which makes my light blue eyes pop,eye liner, eyebrow filler and lipstick in the colour light pink.

I straightened my hair and do a side parting,a and put on my outfit.If this was any other day I would wear a tracksuit which I probably already wore twice before hand,but this was Jungkook.
My outfit is a light pink dress which reaches mid thigh,Im very short I'm 5ft so I'm pretty sure someone who is average height would look like a slut wearing it. Also 2ich nude heels,i don't walk in high heels so I can't wear very high heels.

As I look in the mirror I am pleased, the dress hugs my curves yes I'm curvy person but they suit me,and I have a bum which attracts most men but never approach me,because apparently most korean guys prefer Korean girls which is why I only have one friend.He accepted me as a friend will he accept me as his girlfriend....

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