Remembering The Old Times (Poem)

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A/N:- Hello everyone! Well here's a poem about remembering the old times.

I really hope that you all will support my poem just the way you did with my story :)

The awesome cover for this poetry has been made by @thewardrobeistheway (Known by the name loveoflife graphics)  :)

She's simply great! Thanks! 

Here it goes....


I wish those days could come back ...

When life wasn't so busy,

And making friends was easy.

I wish those days could come back...

When all we could do was have fun,

And hide, play and run.

I wish those days could come back...

When we didn't know what misunderstandings meant,

When bad wishes no one sent.

I wish those days could come back...

When choosing crayons was the toughest choice,

When anger meant only shouting at the topmost voice.

I wish those days could come back...

When ego never came up in relations,

When we never fought with aggression.

I wish those days could come back...

When tension didn't even roam around us,

When only learning tables was the greatest fuss.

I wish those days could come back...

When fighting and convincing was an easy task,

And people didn't know to wear a mask.

I wish those days could come back...

When there was no confusion like cellphones and net in life,

When the most painful thing was being hurt by the knife.

I wish those days could come back...

When life wasn't a race,

Where we could just move at our own sweet pace.

I wish....

But now as I am growing up,

Have started tasting sour things from life's cup.

I realise how those old days were,

How there was no fear.

How the protection was all around,

How childhood had no limits, no bounds.

How I wished to grow up and do what I want,

But now realised life has its own taunts.

And so I really wish if those old days could come back with the old times,

Life would again be like a sweetlime.


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