How you meet

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I took my little sister to a one direction concert, she was only four but I was sure she could cope.

As we were leaving I picked up all the merch we bought before it started. When i turned around I realised she wasn't there.

In total panic I started looking around our area but because everyone was leaving I couldn't see her.
"Y/s/n!" I was almost in tears.
Thoughts were going through my mind. What if she's lost and I can't find her or someone takes her.

I ran over to a guard nearby. I explained how I couldn't find my sister. Just as I was about to finish his radio went off.

"A four year old girl has made her way backstage and says she can't find her sister y/n." A guard spoke through the radio.
"That might be my sister" I gasped.
"Let's go then" the guard spoke

We walked through the empty arena and through loads of bendy corridors. Until we got to 'DRESSING ROOMS'
No way am I outside one directions dressing room!!!!!

The guard opened the door to reveal Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan and Liam Payne and sitting on Harry's lap was my sister.

"My big sister is very pretty and has curly hair like you only its y/h/c and she straightens it all the time, she loves one direction so much and I can't believe she brought me with her! She so nice and pretty and I'm sure she'll find me in a minu..." She was cut off when she saw me walk in.

"This is her!!!!!" She screamed as she started climbing off Harrys lap.

"Hi, I'm harry, your sister's told me so much about you"
" Hi I'm y/n" you blushed.
We spoke for a while about our age, likes and dislikes and our work.

It started to get late so as we said goodbye and thanks to everyone when harry whispered in my ear
" if you lose your sister again... Here's my number " he slipped a piece of paper into my hand and gave me a kiss on the cheek and waved goodbye.

When we got home I lay on my bed and go through everything that happened tonight. It was the best night of my life.

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