chapter.1 "My what"

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Shakiyah in the mm.

Shakiyah p.o.v.

I woke up this morning at 5:30 cuz school starts at 6:30. When I woke up I put on *outfit in mm* and walked down stairs and saw August Alsina sting on our couch.
Me: mom why is August alsina sitting on our couch
Mom:im kicking you out
Mom:my boyfriend doesn't like you
August:your a bitch
Mom:so get YOUR DAUGHTER out of my house NOW
Me: mom why your the one who had me and i dont know anything about him
Mom:well i dont care bye
Me:(gets all my clothes) im not going to school today
August:thays ok you'll have to go to a new school anyway

His Daughter August Alsina Where stories live. Discover now