Confessing love by singing

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Erza's pov
I was sitting at one of the tables with my team, eating strawberry cheesecake.

"Hey, Erza look." Lucy said pointing at the stage. I looked up to see my girlfriend on the stage.

"This song is to confess my love for you...Erza." (Y/N) said smiling. I smiled back as the music turned on.

(Play song above)

After (Y/N) finished the guild eurupted in cheers. I felt tears prick my eyes. (Y/N) walked off the stage to me. "That was...amazing..." I said and kissed her.

"I love you." She said. I laughed. "You don't need to tell me that twice." I said kissing her again.

"YAAAYY, PARTY TIME!!!!" The guild screamed, holding jugs of beer, or in Cana's case, a barrel of beer.

We laughed. 'Thank you.' I thought.

Hope you enjoyed, sorry if it was short. Thanks for reading!

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