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As I looked at the two lines in front of me, I realised I was mistaken when I thought my life could get no better. I was pregnant. I was ecstatic, Christian and I had been trying for years to bare a child, knowing that was all we needed to complete what we had together, that was the final step we needed to cross before we knew we were indestructible in each other's arms.  When I failed to become pregnant after a year, although the doctors were certain we were both healthy and capable, we were distraught and our hope was faltering.

But the time has finally come.

Grabbing my keys and closing the door of our multi-storey mansion, I raced into the drivers seat of my matte, black Porsche. Knowing I had to have this long waited dream confirmed to avoid heartache, I sped to my nearest clinic with The Chainsmokers blasting in the background.

1 hour later...

My breathe hitched in my throat as I left the clinic. My knees felt as if they were going to buckle beneath my weight, and my heart pounded in the anticipation of the day and it's blissful surprises.

It was no lie, I was finally pregnant.

I could wait no longer to tell my love; as I gathered my belongings and made my way to the car once again, I dialled the number of my husbands secretary to check he was not engaged in a meeting however I was greeted with the companies voicemail. That's weird, she's normally very efficient. Not thinking any more of it, I continued in my journey to Maxwell Enterprises, assuming that this news was important enough to be the cause of a disturbed meeting.

Looking up at the 11 storey building in front of me, I entered through its immaculate glass doors and greeted the familiar receptionist within the lobby; after being guided to the elevator, I soon after began my journey to the top floor impatiently. My heart assaulting my chest and the thought of completing my mans dreams.


I was here, this was it. I took a few steps forward only to notice Christians assistant was missing. This really is strange, where is everyone? Hesitantly, I made my way towards his heavy wood doors only to be met with a series of familiar grunts and feminine moans. My hand slapped across my mouth as tears welled in my eyes.

No, he wouldn't do this to me.

He loves me, right?

Swinging his office doors open, my nightmares were confirmed as I took in the scattered clothing and the missing secretary on top of my husband. The tears I was trying so hard to withhold escaped and spilled down my cheeks as I gasped for breathe.

" Christian" was all I managed to choke out of my dry, swollen throat.

Looking up to meet my tearful eyes, panic swept over my husbands face as he realised what I had walked into. In only a few moments, his secretary was thrown off of him and he made his way towards me whilst gathering his clothing. However, before he could reach me, I turned and ran towards the closing elevator.

"Baby, let me explain, please" rung in my ears as the elevator doors slammed shut, as well as the walls around my broken heart.

• • •

Buckling my seat belt, my head hit the steering wheel as I begin to sob uncontrollably. I was overwhelmed with drastic thoughts as I questioned everything my husband had ever said or done for me.

Did he love me, or was this all a facade?

If he loved me, he wouldn't have done this.

What would I do about the baby?

He doesn't deserve to be in our lives after all he has done; knowing deep down that I would surrender to his pleas for forgiveness if I were to see him again. Having this thought in mind, I raced home, determination bracing within me.

An hour later...

Placing my final bag in the trunk of my car, I hastily made my way to our bedroom. Inhaling the scent of Christians aftershave, a tear escaped my eyes, as I despaired over the betrayal and deceit that, as of today, had taken over and masked my future.

Having internally debated this since my knowledge of his affair, I left earlier's pregnancy test on the foot of our once shared bed, whilst taking one final glance around my home and all the blissful memories that surrounded it.

Shortly after, I made my way along the darkened highway, having no idea of what or where to go to next. The only thing I knew for sure was that I would never endure the present of Christian Maxwell again.

It's just you and me now, my baby.

                                 • • •
Hey guys,
Hope you enjoyed the first chapter, please leave feedback and tell me of any spelling errors. I'll update as soon as I get 20 votes but if I fail to reach that, I'll update Friday X

The Billionaires Ex WifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora