Finding Her.

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Walking out of a bar; where I had spent the morning, afternoon and evening, I walked steadily as if I hadn't been drinking all day.

Down the steps, across the street and down a long dark alley way. I walked humming to myself and thinking about all the hotties I could pick up and nibble on at the college campus near by. It was to be any normal night until a heard a faint cry, not any cry but one that belonged to a baby. I spun to see if their were a mother with a Pram maybe passing by but there was nothing. Only me.

" I must be imagining things" I said to myself and continued walking.
It was silent until I heard the cry again but this time louder and more straggled as if the owner was pleading for help.
I stopped and listened to see if It was because of alcohol but then I heard it again and this time it was  louder, even more desperate.

I searched the alley, pushing and pulling rubbish and tossing it aside for minutes until I found the owner of the strangled cry buried under a pile of rubbish bags.

I was shocked and appalled to see what I saw ,even in all my years.
Blue eyes stared into mine , as if searching for something. Freckles danced along cheek bones,
Button nose and rosy cheeks, Red Bow lips and Snow White skin - little fluffs of golden brown curly hair flowing Gently against its small head.  A dirty basket containing a small form of a baby covered with only a blanket.

I kneeled to get a closer look.
I opened the blanket to reveal the child was in nothing but a diaper and top. By its size I had to guess it was around six months old.
By the colour of its clothes and blanket , I assumed it was a girl. I moved some more bags to see the child and uncovered a pink bag with a bottle teat sticking from the unzipped top.
I searched the bag in the hope that I would find some indication of who the child belonged to but all I found was a note:
Dear, whom ever finds this.
Her name is Ruby,
Please take care of my baby.
I can not take care of her.
If he ever found out about her,  he'd kill her.

Just please make sure , my baby is safe.

" well , that's depressing" I said.
The baby just stared, watching my every move with curiosity. Silence fell as we stared at each other.  After a minute her bottom lip started quivering and I knew what happened next.
" no, shush. Don't cry " I asked,  In an attempt to quiet the child I picked her up at arms length but she didn't quieten.
So I made a hastily decision and held her close to my chest like I had seen mothers do.
And it worked the child breathing evened and her lip stopped quivering.  She move so that she was as close as she could get to my chest.
" you know, I could have eaten you" I told her and she gave a slight huff.
I knew that I had to take her in, I wasn't good but I'm not that evil that I'd leave a defenceless child abandoned.

Grabbing the bag and slinging it over a shoulder,  holding the child against my chest with her blanket over her small form, I walked out of the alley.

By the time I got back to the manor the infant was fast asleep.
I knocked, not having enough hands to unlock the door.
" Damon, where have you been " Stefan screamed
" shush, she just fell asleep " I pointed to the baby on my chest.
" Damon, why do you have a baby?" He said as I walked across the thresh hold.
" I found her in an alley way - abandoned"
I said with anger in my voice.
" Damon? Tell my the truth! Did you steal this baby!" Stefan asked furiously
" No! I'm hurt that you would accuse me of that.  And if you want proof,  I have pictures " I said tossing him my phone as proof.
" You realise, we have to take it to a hospital?"
" first of all it is a she and has a name, Ruby, and secondly, why?"
" because alleys are dirty and have diseases and how do you know it's.. I mean her  name"
" there's a note" I said handing him the note.
" okay, let's go hospital" Stefan said directing me to the door.
I traveled through the landing and out of the door , still holding the child.
" get in the car"
" pushy tonight , are we?"
" just get in the car"
Once in the car.
" Damon, kids are not allowed in the front seat"
" I'm not a kid" I said and he pointed to the baby.
" who she gonna tell!"
" I don't fell comfortable driving with a baby in the front "
" just drive smart ass" I said getting fed up with his drama.
The drive to the hospital was short as mystic falls is a small town.
We parked the car and entered the hospital, to the front desk.
" here hold the bag" I said handing the pink bag to Stefan.
" why?"
" just hold it"
" how may I help you?" The receptionist asked.
" I found a baby " I said.
" okay, go to exam room 3 and I'll call the sheriff"
" you don't seem shocked , does this happen a lot" Stefan asked.
" no" she said as she slid the glass panel back.
We did as she told us and went to the room.
I took the blanket from the baby without waking her and placed it on the bed.
Then  placed the baby carefully on the pink blanket.
The baby stretched out and opened her eyes.
I got ready to cover my ears from the defeating shriek of a baby but it didn't come. I was just greeted by a gummy smile from a blue eyes beauti.
A man stepped into the room and made her flinch.
" hi , I'm doctor Mclin" the doctor said offering a hand.
" I'm Damon and his Stefan " I answered.
" and that's  Ruby" I added.
" I thought you found her?"
" I did"
" then How.."
" there was a note , with the bag" I said as Stefan handed him the note.
" I see, well let's see if anything up with this little one shall we" the doctor said stepping closer towards the child.
" don't look so worried , you look like I'm going to eat her"
" me no, I'm not worried" I said stepping out the way.
Just as I stepped out of the view of the baby , she squealed and bursted into tears complete with a red scrunched up face.
" it seems that this little girl has made a attachment" the doctor commented.
" would you mind holding her , to keep her calm"
" no " I said picking the child back up.
"Sit on the bed and rest her between your legs"
I was going to ask why but I didn't and just did what I was told.
The examination didn't take long as Ruby was in perfect health.
Just as the doctor was putting all the information on a chart the sheriff walked in.
" Sorry, it took me so long" she apologised
" don't be , were fine" I said to her.
We handed the sheriff  my phone , the note and anything she would need to begin an investigation into why she was abandoned.
" the note says everything you need to know"
I commented.
" we still have to conduct a investigation because it's illegal  to neglect a child and abandonment is neglect" the sheriff said.
" where's she going to go"
" well social services will take her and find a foster family but that can take weeks maybe even months" the sheriff said sadly.
" so she'll be in a shelter , all alone" I said staring down at the child.
" I'm afraid so" the sheriff said reaching out for the child.
" I'll take her" I said without thinking
" Damon!" Stefan said surprised.
" Damon are you sure?" The sheriff asked
" yes , I'll take her until you can get a suitable family for her, I have enough space ,money and free time. So I'm perfect" I said decided.
" Sheriff , I wanna help" I added.
" Okay , but your going to have to sign a few papers" the Sheriff agreed.
The doctor and Sheriff both walked out to go and get list of things they would have to buy and the papers that Damon has to sign.
" Damon, what are you doing? You've never took care of a kid before!" Stefan said.
" I know but I can't explain it , I just couldn't let her go to some strangers or all alone in a shelter , there was just something in her eyes.
I don't know I can't explain it but can you just trust me please" I pleaded
" Fine but I'll be watching closely" He warned.
" you do realise after this we have to go shopping right? " I asked.
" I know!" He said.
She starting laughing and it startled me.
" why are you laughing? Huh?" I asked her and she just stared at me.
The doctor and sheriff re-entered the room with lots of paper.
" okay, I have a list of what you'll need a corroding to her age , get twice as much, babies go through a lot." The doctor said.
" and these are the papers, sign on the dotted line and baby proof the house" the sheriff said whilst handing me a pen.
The signing only took around twenty minutes to complete.
We left the hospital with a tiny house guest and 
Headed straight to the nearest super market.

We left the hospital with a tiny house guest and  Headed straight to the nearest super market

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