Chapter 1

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Allison's POV

I kept on glancing at the clock, hoping that the bell would ring soon. 'Just a few more seconds and-' Bringggggg..... The bell rang signalling the end of class.

I immediately got up and walked out of the boring classroom where my teacher was busy trying to give out homework. Now is lunch break.

I walked over to my locker stopping every few minutes to say hi. Not that I wanted to but it would be rude if I didn't considered my status in school.

I am so sorry, I didn't introduce myself. My name is Allison Knight, daughter of the Maddison and Jacob Knight.

My Dad is the founder of The Knight Inc. Yes, I am talking about that law firm. The top 3 most well-known law firm in the world.

My Mom on the other hand is a well-known writer. She, however is more known as the CEO of my Dad's company.

Both of my parents are really nice. But they aren't home most of the time. I can even count the number of times they have slept in their own bedroom.

I have an adopted sister, Amelia and a brother, Shane. I also have a 2 year old baby brother. We are really close to each other unlike most siblings. Shane is the over protective brother/father. His dream is to turn Amelia and I into nuns.

Amelia and I on the other hand are closer. Although she's adopted, she is the best sister ever. She is my best friend as well as my sister.

One thing I hate about Amelia is that she thinks that she should be mine and Shane's 'maid' considering that she is adopted. I get really mad at her sometimes when she acts like that.

I mean, she is adopted. Which means she is under Mom and Dad's care which means that she is legally and rightfully family. I don't care if she is not blood related to me. I couldn't ask for a better sister.

I have tried to tell her countless of times that we are all equal but no, she doesn't want to listen. Shane doesn't really say much whenever she feels like that. But instead, he will show it to her through actions.

That's the thing about Shane is that he strongly believes that action speaks louder than words. Besides, he has trouble expressing himself with words. And yes, he is my twin brother.

We also have a two-year old baby brother named Jackson. He is honestly the most adorable thing ever. When ever Mom and Dad went on business trips which was very frequent, Shane would be the one taking care of us. Safety wise.

Now, Shane has black hair, 6'4 tall, broad shoulders and green eyes. He is our school's quarterback and one of the star players. But he isn't like those stereotypical jocks who are arrogant assholes. Although he is a player.

I, unfortunately learnt that the hard way when I walked in on him doing a girl at a party. Let's just say that I lost my eye virginity that sad, sad day. Shane however, finds it extremely funny to tease me about it.

Now, Amelia has blond hair, hazel eyes, 5'6 tall and has a petite figure. But she already has a boyfriend, Alex. He is one of the school's bad boys.

He is honestly the sweetest person towards Amelia. I ship them so hard #Alelia. They are just so freaking adorable. At least she found soneone who treats her right and I an happy for her.

I on the other hand, have jet black hair with green eyes. I am 5'7 tall with a slim figure. I do not have a flat stomach but people often say I look pretty.

I am your usual nerd only much popular. I mean, who doesn't want to be with friends with rich people? I have two true, best friends and is currently single.

So back to the present, I was at  my locker when someone jumped on me. I let out a shriek due to shock.

I turned around glaring at whoever that scared me turned out to be Amber and Kaddy. I just kept on glaring at them as they continued laughing.

"Did you see your face? Oh my God, that was absolutely priceless " Kaddy exclaimed while Amber continued to laugh struggling to make up a sentence.

"Yup. I sure that it was going to be funny when you see tour best friend a.k.a. Me lying on the hospital bed due to heart attack" I answered sarcastically.

"Your so dramatic" came from a new voice. I turned to see Amelia in Alex's arms, rolling her eyes while trying to fight off a smile. Eventually, she caved in.

"But I make everyones lives more interesting" I pouted.

"Urghhhh.... get over yourself"

I grabbed my lunch money and my backpack and slammed my locker shut. Spinning the lock to some random numbers, I made my way to the cafeteria with my sister and my friends.


So, what did you guys think? Do you guys like it? Please comment and vote. It would really mean a lot to me. For those that didn't know, this is my first book and I apologize in advance for any grammatical mistakes and boring plot.

Don't be a silent reader. Tell me what you think. Feel free to PM me if you have any suggestions to make or if you just want to talk.

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Btw, please do not copy my book in any manner as it is plagiarism and is punishable is found guilty. And if you guys find anyone on Wattpad who has the same plot as mine, please tell me immediately.

Thanks for reading. Remember Vote, Comment, Fan and Follow.


Date published: 6/8/2016
Total words: 1,017 words

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2016 ⏰

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