Dreams from God

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Hello listeners, I've had a few strange dreams in the past few weeks, good and bad. One in particular took place at my house it seemed, I'm not sure my dreams are some what fuzzy.
It wasn't really my house,yet it
There was chaos.I felt all of it. A few minutes into the dream I felt myself being lifted up, but I wasn't really looking at the source. I was up mid air. I kept looking down, not at God, or the Angels. I was distracted by the chaos, kinda asking why I was the only one, but he never dropped me. I don't know the time, but Jesus is on the way soon.
I've pulled away from him in the past, and had dipped into corruption, but he pulled me back, and saved me.
His words and way are in the original bible. The truth I can tell from my words is, he loves us all more than any one mind could ever imagine. He's literally changed my ways. Yes I do make mistakes, but not like before, I talk to him, and he forgives me. In the process of having nightmares he hugged me tightly several times, I saw a bluish white light around my body. He's telling me it's alright. The nightmares are from the enemy, he's mad because you're saved, he's telling you to stop. Don't! Embrace God even more, don't be ashamed of your Savior. His love is unconditional. Turn to God, Acknowledge the Father God, the lamb, and the holy spirit. Praise Jesus! Let him heal you, have faith, be ready. He'll bring us home to heaven. Where all is always good. God Bless all. Amen.

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