Love is not a game

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My best friend told me once that love is not a game. I always thought whatever she's just trying to trick me or something. They was this one boy I really liked,but never ever thought he would like me back. The day came when he asked me to be he's valentine. I felt like the happiest person alive."Yay"...I really felt happy. When Valentine's Day came he bought me so many gifts I could feel the love, it was amazing. I wondered why would he like a girl like me. Like me from everybody else?..He was a nice person he cares,loves he's just so wonderful. I would dream about him all day. He always cared a lot about me. The day came when we were going to a sports tour. When we arrived there he bought me bracelets and necklaces and he was just so amazing. He would always look at me with his dreamy eyes and always talked about me. The tour came to an end when we had our first hug. I felt so good when he gave me a hug. When we left the tour sadly..We had so much fun. My best friend came over to my house so we talked and talked until we fall asleep. The next day I went over to her house and we talked about this amazing boy. We went to another tour again when he suddenly ignored me... I thought about when he said he feels like nobody likes him so he's trying to be cool. I asked him why are  you doing this to me?He said nothing,he gave me the rolly eyes. Next day came reply hey no reply?..why aren't you talking to me? I don't like you anymore he said. why? We don't talk..we don't talk or you don't. The next day he texted me saying your the worst your making everybody hate me. I'm like what when how?Im just so confused,I said to him nobody hates you its you who thinks that and why are you angry at me? He said...I hate you..and I'm like for what?So the next day thinking his angry at me I don't speak to him. Then he comes to me why aren't you talking to me? I say you've been screaming at me and blaming me and then you tell rumors about me what is that.He says when did I do that or say that! I'm like what's wrong with you..Next day he doesn't look at me talk to me or even bother saying hi when I'm next to him. So I leave and go talk to some boy and he gets jealous. I'm like what kind of person are you. How did I ever fall in love with you. My second best friend "Jessie" came over and then left because she saw us fighting. Then I said to him don't bother because you said you hate me so why do you even care. Then he says that's true I don't like you I like Jessie one of your best friends she's ugly but has sexy legs. I say hol up did you just say she's ugly.Ya.Go look at yourself in the mirror first I said. Then he goes Ouch!Burn!..I'm like if you ever call my friends ugly again I will destroy you.........TO BE CONTINUED......

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