Friend's Fault

35 1 4

Tock_Camo_Goldie tagged me, so without further ado...

Ten Facts About Me!

- I play violin (I don't think I'm good but some of my friends do)
- I also play the flute (I like the violin more)
- I'm trying to write my first fanfic, but probably won't publish it till it's finished
- I only joined on July 25, 2016
- I love to play soccer
- I have 2 siblings
- Fav color is orange
- I'm very weird, and proud of it
- Fav ice cream flavor is Teaberry
- I want to play the piano

There. I'm done. Now u know 10 things about me.


*Sorry for anything I might forget, I'm new at this.*

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2018 ⏰

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