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Being a timberwolf isn't easy, I was bullied a quite of times and got recently muzzled after my group of scouts, which were herbivores, doesn't like me.

Now, I'm leaving the pack after I got graduated into the ZPD Training Academy and begin to head my journey into the City of Zootopia, where all animals (big or small) lived and worked peacefully.

"Zootopia's a big city and you might get yourself lost or goner!" Jack Claw, my dad, said as I nervously laughed. "Dad! This is the billionth time I already told you! I won't get lost!" I whined putting both of my paws into my ashamed face.

"But, what if you'll get lost? Or what if some animal out there is trying to kill you? What if-"

"Honey, stop embarrassing Jacky! You know that he'll be fine once he gets to Zootopia. He's a grown wolf and also a future yet newly graduated police officer." Camillia Claw, my mom, slightly scolded to dad.

I sighed and waited for the train to arrive in my home; MountainEdges. My dad may be a total idiot but he got great leadership and he is the Alpha of the pack while my mom was calm yet kind white timberwolf, who treated everyone in our pack as a family, and also an Alpha Female of the pack.

"Remember this, Jacky. If you get lost somewhere, use your timberwolf instincts rather than asking some animal to who-knows-where!"

"I get it, dad." I whined for the second time. "Its not like I'm gonna get killed or something. But, don't worry, I'll be fine."

"Yeah, right. I've heard that from your cousins before." Dad said with a disapproving frown on his face. "You need something to defend yourself even if your partner was a fox."

My dad was one of the most ridiculous overprotective alpha wolf in my home.

Because everytime a timberwolf departs to another chapter of life, he would give them something to protect them from harm and sometimes the plan would work out while othertimes it won't.

"Ooh, foxes are terrible tricksters! They can trick any animal is they wanted to." Mom piped in with a disgusted look on her face.

"True! I got something you need to defend yourself!"

Dad brought a small can of pepper spray.

"How about this pepper spray?"


He picked up a taser gun.

"Or this taser?"

"Not gonna happen."

Finally, he picked up the last item in the bag: a tranquilizer gun.

"Oh, check this out. How about this tranquilizer?"

He pressed the button and two thin wires went off flying towards one of my older cousins. He yelped and was shocking in agony towards the ground before he passed out.

"You know what, I think I'm gonna take this 'Fox Pepper Spray' to make you happy." I said grabbing the pepper spray from the satchel and I heard the train's chugging to the stop station.

After the train stopped, only three common animals got out and I hurried my way towards inside before placing my luggage on the floor.

I ran out of the train and gave both of my parents a hug. "I'm gonna miss you guys. Thank you so much for letting me in this course." I said giving them each a kiss on the muzzle.

I ran back inside the train and the door automatically closed behind me as the train slowly begin to depart.

"Goodbye, Jacky! We'll miss you!"

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