The virus

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I looked into my father's cold blue eyes, my heart beating slower and slower as he moved his hands to mine, I grabbed it tightly as he said, "Son you must not worry about me."

My father started coughing blood into a tissue.

"Dad, please don't leave me, who else will cry when I cry and smile when I smile?" I cried grabbing his hand tightly, tears running down my eyes

The doctor ran into the room and put his hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry about your father's death, "he said, I didn't listen I shoved him out of the way and ran out the door and down the corridor and through the main exit getting on my bike and driving down the street until I reached my apartment.

Soon later, I arrived at my apartment running up the steps and swinging the door open, I went to my room jumping on my bed and taking out my laptop from underneath the pillow. Opening it up I began to search everything I could about some sort of revival remedy like the Holy Grail. After a lot of searching, I finally found something.

The page I found had what I needed, the page contained clues to its location, after a while of studying the clues the islands location was found. I then had to find a web site where I could book the plane tickets. I then purchased return flight tickets, I ran down stairs and out the front door getting into my car and drove down to the airport.

When I arrived at the airport, I got my tickets, sat down on a chair in the boarding lounge, and waited for the boarding call. After a fair amount of time, the call blasted out over the speaker that my flight was ready for boarding.

I went down the corridor and got onto the plane and to my surprise, it was deserted "That's strange." I mumble under my breath as I took my seat. As we take off, I looked out my window to see the pitch-black sky, to make it even scarier I saw bolts of lightning dart past the window and then the plane started to shake violently.

The pilot must have been scared too, he pushed the door to the cockpit open he was wearing a parachute, which scared me even more. When I saw the pilot open the main door to the small plane, I knew things were not good. Then he jumped. In addition, I followed him, forgetting that I was in fact not wearing a parachute.

I hoped to god that I would land in water, I was falling incredibly quickly from the sky, and then I landed in the water within minutes. I searched and searched for land, to my surprise I saw what I was looking for, the island of flowers but as I was swimming towards the shore, I was to be greeted by unknown monsters.

I attempted to flee but one struck me down with a single swipe, I felt around the ground for something I could use to defend myself but they weren't letting me go, they continued to bite at my legs, that's when I found the sharp stick and lunged forward sending it straight through its chest.

After I did this I saw the other beasts flee before my very own eyes, "You wimps." I chuckled to myself, dashing to what I thought was the holy grail I attempted to pick up the flower. I was engulfed in a black smoke and before I knew it, I was in the kitchen of my apartment the flower in my hand I looked around to see what had happened.

It was not long before I realized the Holy Grail is the reason I am here, it knows I need to be here but soon I shook the thought of it out of my mind and rushed out the front door to get to the car. I opened the door to the front seat, got in, and drove to the hospital in hope that this Holy Grail may cure my father. I was driving down the street it was getting darker and darker every minute that went by, "There going to shut soon," I screamed. Worried that I will not ever see my father again.

When I arrived at the hospital, the lights were dim,but I still managed to find my way to my father's room, I enter the room withthe doctor's permission. I walk beside my father and stare at his lifeless body,lying the flower down on his chest and then taking a seat beside his bed and Ibegan to drift off to sleep within minutes however it wasn't long before I wokeup to my father's screams and the sound of loud gasps of air. E] F

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2016 ⏰

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