The abuse

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"Harley, wake up sweetie it's time for school". Harley hesitated to speak back to her mother knowing she wasn't going to make waking up easy for herself, she mumbles "I seriously can not explain how bad my stomach hurts mom, can I please just stay and lay amongst Netflix all day.PLEAAASSSEEE...."
But her mother wasn't so pleased letting her stay home another day, as she already let Harley skip the last week. She hesitated to say back to her " whatever but it's on you if I get in trouble". She knew Harley had a bad past with pretending to be sick. There has been so many cases on her for letting Harley skip school.
Harley fell asleep to the noise of Disney Channel.

Harley woke up to.
Harley wraps herself in her blanket to answer the door in time, as she creeks the door open, her eyes widen as she sees a police officer. The police office says repeatedly " Where a John? Is John okay??" As Harley was still freaked out by the cop standing in the door way, she started to panic as she heard the mention of her dads name that came out of the police officers mouth. "Hold on let me go get my mom".
Harley darts to the stairs to grab her older sister Kaitlyn, as everyone books it to see what Harley's big fuss was about.
After so long of the police officer and Harley's sister and mother talking, Harley was rushed to get dressed and hurry to the car as for their dad was in the hospital from a freak tree accident that happened in jail.

The whole ride was quite as confused Harley was sitting in the back sucking her thumb, panicking about how fast they're going. After arriving at the hospital they sat waiting for a good hour, the news that came out couldn't have made the day worse..
The doctor came out and straight up told Harley and Kaitlyn that John did not make it, the tree was so heavy it gave their dad a bad concussion and nobody could help the head trauma. So John passed away that evening leaving the three girls hearts broken. Kaitlyn and Harley were devestated, Maria was heart broken as she just witnessed her father die on her birthday, as of that day, was the last birthday she would of ever felt normal.
As Harley was only the age of 8 she was still mixed with feelings, she poured out crying in the waiting room trying to hide it behind her pillow case and thumb. Harley was pushed out of the hospital because she was too young to go through with seeing their fathers dead body one last time. As everyone was saying their last goodbyes Harley could only think to herself " he wasn't a bad guy! He got help! He would never do anything to deserve this... Everyone loves him so who would wish him this?" Confused and hurt, as she sat in the back of that car that day.
She has heard of al the bad stories of her father but only ever witnessed it twice and it was something she could forgive him for but why couldn't everyone else??
There was a story that one time when Harley's mom was pregnant, John made her stand on glass. And he one nice punched Kaitlyns fish tank, in anger coming home from the bar.
But Harley has heated about way worse stories than that. And John would do anything for Maria, Kaitlyn, and Harley. But I guess this is where Harley's life was sent spiraling.

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