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What if life was never easy for you. You wanted to be a normal kid but your gifted. I'm not talking about flying or shooting lasers from your eyes. I'm talking about super fast reflexes, hitting harder, and moving just a bit quicker. All these qualities in one teenage girl can only mean one thing. REVENGE.

This isn't your typical the government stole and killed my parents type stuff. This is real. They faked my moms death and killed my father right in front of me. I was then taken into a government facility where they first created me. That's right I was created not born.

My mom is a scientist who accidentally found the correct formula for cloning. I am the only person who was ever successfully cloned. Three years ago the "original" me escaped. With the help of my mom. They keep her chained up after that incident. The original girl is the key. The formula is hidden on her. It is invisible to the eye uses your under direct sunlight.

My mom figured out a way to hide the formula and play it off as an accident. Now they have her working 24/7 for the accidental formula to happen again. The only problem is that mom let free the wrong girl. My extra reflexes will help me escape. I have a plan to escape and it will work. I am writing this diary to let you know my part of the story

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