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Cartoons » Teen Titans » Smile

Don't own Teen Titans


He had been waiting for weeks to find the perfect day. The perfect day to give her his gift. The perfect day for his perfect dark angel.

He stood there in the grass looking up at the dark clouds rolling by. A storm was brewing both outside and inside the changeling's heart. He sighed deeply as he felt the first telltale drops of water falling down his face.

He looked down at the roses clutched within his fist. They were dark, and depressing, saddening, and maddening. Just the perfect thing for his beautiful Raven. He held them so tightly that the thorns bit into his skin and pierced him causing small drops of blood to run down his hand. He slowly approached, stumbling slightly as he thought of what he was about to do.

Taking in shaky breaths he finally spoke. "Raven...I'm sorry. Sorry for annoying you, harassing you non stop, and I'm sorry for pestering you to try my tofu, a-and for everything. But...I will never be sorry for loving you."

Here he paused as the rain started falling at last, mingling with his tears. He was greeted with only the sounds of his breath and the pattering of the rain.

"I-I only wish I could have been better for you. I-I wish-" he stopped as he felt the weight of a hand on his shoulder.

"BB, it's time to go...everyone's waiting." He looked up into the human eye of his friend and saw only his pain reflected back at him.

"Okay...just give me a minute." He looked down as he heard the sound of his friend's departing footsteps.

His hand reached out and his fingers brushed cold stone. He set the roses down at last and stood. He breathed in deeply and slowly exhaled. "You know," he said, his tone turning wistful, "I never did get that smile..."

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