➶Chapter 1➶

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Dedicated to the yandere queen writer/idol @pocokitty

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"A coffee mocha,that's all"

"Okay Miss coming right up!"You said to the customer as you went to the counter and said what's the customer's order

It was 6:30 p.m.You were currently working at a café for about 2 months now since the car accident of your parents and all of their riches were passed to...well their favorite daughter..and it was not you

"Hey,f/n,seems like you're finnaly getting comfortable here!"Said Ryou,your co-worker,

"Ahhh,yeah you can say that Ryuo-san",you said "But I'm still kinda clumsy..hahaha,"you two both laughed and you gave a friendly smile at him and a blush crept into his face,maybe not that friendly

You served the customer with the coffee that is designated


"I'll take that",you said and went to the table where the new customer is sitted near the glass window to the left

As soon as you get there,you get a good look at the customer

It was a man in a business suit and was glaring at you

Jeez,calm your tits man

"One plain coffee"

"Uhh...okay"you said nervously and quickly went to the counter to say the order of the assuming busy business man

While waiting you and Ryuo were talking about some stuff.Ryuo has a very special place in your heart, being childhood friends and helping you cope with the lost of your parents

As soon as the coffee was ready, you are hesitant if you are going to serve it

Just one customer,put yourself together y/n

As you were so busy with your thoughts, and with your wrong timing of your clumsiness...


The cup fell,the coffee spilled

"Y/n!Are you okay!"Ryuo asked you concernly,checking at you if you got any cuts or burns

"I'm fine"you said to him assuringly

The man's business suit was now stained with coffee spill "WHAT KIND OF PALCE IS THIS?!THIS PLACE IS TRASH!"

Ryuo eyes widened for the café has a special place in his heart too

That hurted you to see him like this so you..

A| You confront him for Ryuo's sake

B| Stay quiet

[A| You confront him for Ryuo's sake]

"H-hey!Just because of my one single mistake it doesn't mean you can insult the whole place!"You said half scared,"A-and your face deserves in the trash and your suit sucks anyways!"you immediately regretted what you have just said

Where the hell did that came from?

Ryuo and the man gasped and shouted,"WHERE THE HELL IS THE MANAGER?!"


You're doomed

[B| Stay quiet]

Yes you wanted to defend him but sometimes you have to stay quiet...

"THIS PLACE IS SHT!"the man said really,really glaring at you,"EVEN A SIMPLE TASK,THIS PLACE CAN'T GET IT DONE!"

You just let it all sink in,kill em with silence

The man won't stop shouting until the manager come out

"What's wrong sir?C-can i help you sir?"


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What do yah think?Was it good?sorry it was my first time writing stuff like this ( ノД')


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