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I stood by the mirror as I do every night. I like to think of this time as my, ironically enough, reflection time. I think about everything I've done all day, all the mistakes and good moments. I examined my naked body and started at the toes and looked at them each, then I moved up slowly to my knees, then hips, then belly, then chest. My last destination was my face. I looked at each detail for a long time saving the eyes for last. When I got to them something was different. There was fear in those eyes. I had had a good day so there was no reason for that. Those eyes that looked like mine i knew instantly they were not mine, these eyes were filled with terror.

Something moved next to me. A man showed up next to my reflection. I nearly screamed but nothing came out. My reflection didn't flinch. I stared wide eyed at what was happening. The man waited for me to calm down.

"There's nothing to be afraid of. You are safe...for now. We need your help", he said.

I looked around for who he was but found nothing. It was almost as if the mirror hadn't been a mirror but it was rather a window. A window to another world. What did this man want from me? I had never done anything special? How was I going to help? What was happening?

"I know you're confused, but it's easier if you cooperate. The less you do the sooner your world will be affected as well as ours. We are dying. We are losing strength. Please help us. You're our only hope", he pleaded and then waited for a response.

"How? What am I? How will I help you?"

"You are stronger than you have been led to believe. Our worlds used to be seperate. Mine had magic and powers you could not even imagine. Yours was mortal and simple. Our only connection ever was mirrors. They acted as windows. Your people never had any idea. We kept them oblivious to our existence. Humans are greedy and desire power above all else".

"That doesn't answer my question of why you need me"

"I was getting to that. Recently someone very powerful had gained followers and conquered something from the depths of hell. Thus mixed another world with ours. This caused for the humans to be mixed with us. Thankfully nearly no one has noticed. Just a few small children and as of today, you. But you are different, aren't you? You always have been. Your whole life. Not only did hell make humans more aware but a spark of magic passed through a mirror into the human world and landed on a wee child. That child was you. It may be difficult to believe but deep inside you know it's true. Don't you?"

I knew it was true. My whole life I have been causing trouble. People avoided me. I constantly felt like I did not belong. The man was right.

"Ah you believe me. Do you not?"


"There is unfortunately something else that happened. The copy of you, the human side of you ended up on the wrong side of the mirror. She is defenseless."

"Couldn't we just switch? She would cross onto this side of the mirrors and I would go there?"

"Unfortunately we have though of that, it wouldn't work. The older you grow that more difficult it is for a human to cross through. She could die. If she dies then you can never travel between humans and us. I must go. I will return in three days time. Make a decision."

He disappeared. I had so many questions. It did not seem like I would be getting answers anytime soon though. I had no choice but to wait for his return. I looked back at the mirror and discovered my reflection was gone. For a split second I thought I was going crazy, but then I remembered what had just happened. There were no such things as reflections anymore.

"I'm a vampire", I laughed. What else was a supposed to think when I had no reflection anymore?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2016 ⏰

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