Part One

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Usually, I think that everything I've done in life was to get me to a final destination but sometimes I just know all that's been done by me has been purposeless. There's always someone better, always something higher, and always something else. Always.

What if I'm never going to meet people's standards? What if I'm equivalent to a burnt marshmallow- could have been good but just wasn't. These thoughts left quickly, but they definitely hurt as they went.

I laughed dryly at my marshmallow metaphor. At least I still had my humor. Slamming my head against my desk I finally abandoned the poem that was completely ruining my life. Why did I pick poetry as my major when I'm so much better at math?

"Dude, take a shower or something. You're bumming me out," my roommate Sven said, lifting the novel from his face. I scoffed.

"You can't even hear me. Or see me for that matter." He breathed deeply.

"Yes, but I can still sense you and your aura is majorly depressing!"

"Isn't your major in Psychology, not ESP!?" He giggled- maybe it was a chuckle but I don't enjoy that word as much as 'giggle'. It sounds cuter. Sven just coughed and shuffled around for a bit.

"Just take a bath, you idiot." Sighing, I decided he was probably right. I peeled myself off of my white leather office chair and stood carefully.

"I really hate it when you actually make a point," I said once I had managed to make contact with his golden orbs. He blinked then started to laugh. Ugh, I wish he wasn't my roommate.


Staring at the mirror wasn't helping anything. I still had a piece of pale hair that just wouldn't smooth down, my eyes still had purple bags under them, and my skin was still paper white.

Sven's eyes were golden and his skin was caramel. It was unfair how cool he looked compared to me. At least my hair was a tiny bit better. You know, it being colored and all.

I grabbed my toothbrush and began my morning routine. Teeth, face, floss, and finally, breakfast. The door swung open quickly, causing me to choke on the narrow plastic wand in my mouth.

"What the fuck, man?" I asked after spitting the minty goo out. Sven's lips curved upwards deviously.

"It's Tuesday, right?" I only knew it was Tuesday because I had Tuesdays and Wednesdays free. I ended up nodding, suspicion written clearly across my face.

"Great," he practically purred out, "you're coming with me." He grabbed my arm and pulled me out of our dorm.


After a few hours of prepping- or more seemingly prodding- Sven and his girlfriend, Sarah finally declared me ready for whatever we were going to attend. Sarah and I ended up matching colors, her burgundy dress matched my tie, but Sven's suit shared a design with mine. I guess we were going as a group.

I was amazed that they managed to make me look okay-ish even when I hadn't slept for almost three days. It must be magic. We approached the car I had bought on the first day of my college career, a crappy Volkswagen Bug my mom used to own. I slid into the driver's seat while Sven and Sarah filed into the back.

"Directions, please?" I asked glancing at them through the mirror.

"Pass me the Aux cord, I'll put on the GPS," Sarah said in her monotonous voice. I did as I was told and soon a robotic voice filled the silence.

"Turn left in four hundred feet onto third street west."


Easily following its information we made it to the destination in like ten minutes.

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