Goof Ball in the Music Store

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~Max's POV~

I sighed as I looked at the clock. 10:00 a.m. Great I thought to myself. I applied for a job at this music store because it was my dream. Nope nope nope my boss never came in and I was the only person who worked here. I went into the back to unload a box. As I picked it up I heard the front bell ring. I sighed heavily and yelled "Be with you in a minute!!" I hauled the box out to the front and put it down. I got a pen and paper out then started doing inventory not even looking at the customer. I scribbled the pen then asked "How may I help you." I hen heard a guy's voice say "Drums please." I pointed to my right and said "First door on the right." I looked up and there was nobody there.

I looked back down and finished the inventory then placed the box on the small shelf on the floor. I groaned as I heard the customer playing on the drums. I mean we didn't have a policy of not being able to play the instruments but I wasn't in the mood. I just broke up with my boyfriend because I caught him cheating on me with my used to be best friend. As the customer came out of the room and back to the counter I asked "Find what you need?" I heard him laugh a little then say "No I didn't.Hmm Avenged Sevenfold." I looked up a little from the paperwork I was doing but I just saw his hands and he DVD. I laughed a little and said "Yeah that's their new DVD you want it?" He laughed again and said "Nah I can see and listen to them whenever." I looked up at him confused and said "What do you me-" I was cut off by blue eyes. They were beautiful and memorising. I then realized who I was staring at. He laughed at my widened eye expression.

I cleared my throat and said "Sorry about that. I didn't know who you were." He laughed and said "Fan?" I nodded my head and showed him my inner wrist. He smiled and nodded his head then said "Nice." I laughed with him. Our eyes met again and I got lost. He smirk then snapped his fingers in front of my face. I shook my head and he just laughed. I glared at him then said "Look whatever I call you. I'm not in the mood to be laughed at." He put his hands up in surrender and said "Sorry Purple hair, and call me Jimmy." he stuck out his hand and I shook it then said "My name is Max." he looked at me confused then I knew I had to tell the story so I did by stating "My name is Maxine. I hate it so I go by Max." he smiled and nodded his head then said "Well, Max it was nice meeting you." laughed a little as he waved good bye to me and left the store.

I slumped down behind the counter and then just had the most girlyest moment ever in my life. I was screaming on the inside. I just talked to Jimmy The Fuckin Rev Sullivan! I loved Avenged Sevenfold and he was my favorite. I felt my face warm up so much. I walked into the instrument area to see if he put the drum sticks back. He did, yet I saw something on the floor. I picked it up and realized it was a wallet. I opened it to see his drivers licence. I smiled and then walked back behind the counter and put it in the lost and found. I waited and waited for him to return but he didn't. As people came in and left the store but I never did see him. As I was about to lock up the store some one came in. I smiled as I saw the handsome face of Jimmy.

He smiled at me and said "Lost my wallet." I laughed and said "Said yeah I found a wallet for a James Sullivan. But not a Jimmy, maybe you lost it some where else." he just rolled his eyes and said "Jimmy is my nickname." I turned my head to the side and said "I thought Rev was." he nodded his head and stated"They are both nicknames. My real name is James, but I'm not a big fan of it." I smiled and picked up the lost and found box and put it on the table.

He picked up his wallet and said "Thanks Max!" I smiled a little and said "Welcome Jimmy." he smiled at me then left the store without another word.

~Jimmy's POV~

As I left the store with my wallet I looked back and saw Max blushing like crazy. I smiled to myself then got in my car and drove back to the studio to finish up the song with the guys.When I was driving I could only think of her. Her purple hair, the way she smiled and joked around with me. She was beautiful. I wonder if she would mind me coming in tomorrow and hanging around. I was snapped out of my thoughts as I heard a car honk at me. I realized the light was green. I sped off and finally pulled into the studio parking lot.

As I got into the studio the guys were already setting up. Brian looked up at me and asked "Hey man did you get your wallet back?" I nodded my head then went into the booth and put my head phones on then twirled my drum stick. The guy outside the booth gave me the thumbs up then started the music. I started playing with out a sweat. Then something popped into my head. I was hooked on this girl! She popped in my head while I was playing. I then messed up a note. The music stopped and I took my headphones off. I got up quickly and left the studio.

I sat on a little bench outside the building with my head in my hands thinking how I could have messed up. I then heard the door open. I looked over and saw Brian. My best friend of all time. He came and sat next to me and asked "Hey man you ok? Why did you mess up?" I shrugged my shoulders and said "I don't know. I mean I met this girl at the music store today and she is perfect for me." Brian laughed and said "Ahhh Jimmy is crushin on a girl!!" I pushed him and said "Shut up!" I then laughed at him since he fell on the ground. He laughed and then ran inside. I soon followed trying to catch up with him so he wouldn't tell the guys. As I got in the room it was to late.

I sat there for the rest of the day wondering what she was doing. I knew tomorrow I was going to see her again.

************************************************************************************************************ -This is Max!


Ok I hope you guys like it! :)

I will hopefully be uploading a new chapter soon :)

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