Just Another Day

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I opened my eyes when I heard a knock on the door and a voice came through "Good morning miss Becca, the driver is waiting to take you to school". I grudgingly got up and went to the bathroom, my eyes looked tired and had bags under them, the tramadol didn't work as fast yesterday I might need to up my dosage. I let out an aggravating breath, took my shower and went back to the bathroom mirror.. I still looked like hell.

A lot of people would consider me pretty, beautiful even.. I had clear and flawless mocha colored skin, big honey brown eyes, long brown hair, high and average breasts, flat tummy, nice hips and an equally nice ass.. your classic pretty girl but when I looked in the mirror I didn't see a pretty girl.. I saw an hideous monster.

I shook off my already gloomy nature and braced myself for the hell hole that is MHS; Morality High School, it ranked high on the list of things I hated the most, thankfully I had just less than a year to go . I wore my uniform and went out the door... Of course she was nowhere to be found.. Not that I wanted to see her anyway. The driver was waiting for me, he smiled at me "Good morning miss Becca, we are officially 30 minutes late", Mustapha was a kind old man, he knew just how much I hated school and did his best to get me there as late as possible. He got in the car and so did I.. I put on my iPhone and plugged in my earphones.

It was less than a 30 minutes but I was still surprised when Mustapha pulled up in front of the school. I got down and gave him a nod, he smiled and sped out of the compound. I pulled myself together and put on my blankest expression.. Here goes nothing.

I paused outside my second class which was just starting, Mr Lee , a smallish looking Chinese man, the new mathematics teacher was going on and on about equations and I could tell this was going to be a snooze fest. I walked into the class and the teaching stopped, I just kept walking until I got to my seat, daring him to say anything, he was new so I expected him to try himself, I was aching for someone to fall into my trap today.. I would have him deported so fast he wouldn't even remember what Lagos looks like. The whole class was quiet save for the click of my heels, I took my seat and continued thumbing through my Instagram.. I heard Mr Lee clear his throat and continue teaching. I let out a smirk, that was too easy.
There was another interruption and someone stumbled in, it was a boy from what I could tell, I had never seen him before he was dressed in the uniform but it is so obviously new. He raises his head and grins, I roll my eyes, he walks up to Mr Lee and whispers something in his ear. Mr Lee gives a grim expression likes he's already tired of the school.. I understand that feeling too well Mr Lee, maybe I should go easy on him.. Just maybe.. He walks up to the front of the class with the new guy beside him.. Is the new guy just freakishly tall or did I never notice just how small Mr Lee was..

The whole class seemed to have woken up after my arrival followed by the new guy.. They all seemed to be curious, the girls giggling and smiling behind their laptops whispering to each other, the boys noticing the girls' reaction didn't seem to happy. Mr Lee cleared his throat "Class, this is Michael James, a new student, umm, okay, let's get back to the lesson, Michael take your seat please" Mr Lee was really bad at being a teacher in any aspect excluding teaching. All eyes followed the new guy to see where he would sit, I could see the guys throwing him inviting smiles.. Little brats.. I went back to my Instagram noticing a new post by J.R Rogue.. Sigh she spoke words of truth every time.. I quickly double tapped and continued scrolling down. Suddenly I heard footsteps approach.. followed by a collective gasp.. That was odd so I looked up and found myself face to face with the grinning idiot that is the new guy.. I put on my meanest look and raised a brow.. He just smiled and sat down on the seat beside me.
OK.. What in the world? Not three seats beside me or beside one of his obvious admirers.. The idiot sat down beside me.. Oh good.. Someone has pushed the lion and he was going to get bitten.. I felt a smile take over my face.. Today seemed to be finally picking up

Okay, here it is
It's my first time
But I hope you love it
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Love,  Mede

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2016 ⏰

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