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"WAKE UP KYANA!" I woke up to my shrieking best friend Leana."Nooo" I groaned, not wanting to get up.

"CANCUUN!!!" my brother, Tyler yelled before jumping on top of me. I screamed in annoyance and he got off of me.

"You guys, I'm really tired" I yawned while rubbing my eyes and sitting up.

"Sleep all you want in the plane, but now we gotta get ready for CANCUN!" Tyler yelled before rushing out of my room.

I stood up and dragged my feet to the bathroom.

"I'm gonna get ready!" Leana called before exiting my bedroom.

I brushed my teeth, took a shower, washed my hair, and put on my black crop top, shorts and Jordans. I put my hair into a messy bun with a red bandana and added just a bit of lipgloss onto my lips.  

I rushed down the stairs with my suitcases to see Tyler stuffing a piece of toast down his throat and Leana talking to my mom.

"Okay, sweetie. Be good to them, stay safe, don't party too hard, and good, okay?" my mum worried. Leana smiled and nodded.

"Momma!" I called before dropping my suitcases on the floor and running to hug my mom. "Oh, lovely, I will miss you!" my mom said, tears forming. I sadly smiled. "Mum, it's only gonna be  a month. I will come back, trust me, okay?" I begged, hugging her tight. She nodded and I went to my step-dad.

"Willie?" I started. He smiled and hugged me. "Kyana?" he said in the same voice. I laughed and started to speak again.

"Take good care of mom. She's going to go crazy without us." I asked. He smiled and nodded. "No boys, alright?" he joked. "No promises Willie" I giggled before he hugged me once again.  


I sat down on the plane, checking my instagram. Tyler and Jason were in front of me and Leana behind me with Adam, so I had an empty space next to me. A presence came next to me and I looked at it.

"Heyy KiKi." Mitch grins. I kindly smiled and replied. "Mitchy!". He pulled me into an warm, awkward seat hug. "I like your outfit" he says, pointing to my lazy outfit. "Oh, thanks" smiled, looking down. I pulled my camera out of my beach bag and started it up onto video.

"Hey guys, it's KyanaPanda and I'm here with BenjaCanada!" I turned the camera to Mitch and he smiled. "Hey doods!" I turned the camera back to me. "I'm also here with Leana, Adam,my brother  Tyler, and Jason! Ryan, Ty and Jerome aren't here yet to enjoy the plane ride with us, but that is okay! Anyways, we're flying to Cancun right now for vacation, so there isn't going to be many videos from us, but onna post some vlogs so..yeah! We'll see you in Cancun."

I closed my camera and turned to Mitch. He looked pretty decent with his Plaid shirt and basketball shorts. "Aren't you excited?" I asked him. He turned to me and smiled. "Yeah, this trip is gonna be great. Espically with you." he flirts obviously unintentionally, but I blush anyways. "Thanks." I say quickly, a little shocked. An awkward silence fills the air, and I turn to my window.

"We have now arrived in Cancun. Please exit through  the door to the left of you. Thank you for flying with JetBlue Airways. Enjoy your stay!" the flight attendant smiled into the intercom, waking me up. The whole crew screamed as planned.

"CANCUN!!! WOOO!!!" we all screamed, getting disturbed looks from adults. Laughing, we exited the plane.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2013 ⏰

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