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I woke up to the sound of glass being broken. My little brother, Tyler, wasn't awake yet.

I got out of my bed; I rushed downstairs. Quietly, I walked to the kitchen to see my father attacking my mother.

I knelt down infront of my mother, looking at her cuts and bruises. Suddenly, I was lifted up by the collar of my blouse. It was my father.

"Why are you helping that worthless piece of trash?!" He thundered. Taking immediate action, I kicked his stomache and managed to break free of his grasp

Quickly, I ran down the hall with my father trailing behind me. Panicking, I ran upstairs to the bathroom and locked the door.

After three hours of hiding, I saw red a blue lights flashing outside. Desperately, I tried to unlock the door; it wouldn't budge. With a tear, I sat down by the door. All of a sudden, the door burst open, I fell to the floor.

Slowly, I looked up. "We've come to take you away from this situation," said a voice.
"Who are you?" I questioned.
"I am a police officer," he said, showing his badge.
"I have a little brother," I mumbled.
I showed the police officer to his room, I picked him up. All together, we walked downstairs and out the door.

The police officer snatched Tyler out of my arms, I screamed and shouted. Then I got put in a car to be taken away to what I thought was forever.

The driver drove me to a house with a nice looking family. At first, they seemed nice but then things changed...

I broke their old record; I got a beating.
I cried, it reminded me of my father. In a few hours, I got taken away to another home.

After a year, of trying to find me a happy family, I knew I'd never be happy. No hope was left.

Finally, I started school. I walked through the halls with scratches and bruises on my face. People didn't accept me. I was being bullied by many, I hid my pain hoping it would go away.
My pain never went away, I got used to it.

My laugh turned into tears.
My happiness turned into sadness.
My peace turned into pain.
I had nothing or no one to be happy for.

I walked into science class, the lesson felt like it lasted for a life time. The teacher, Miss Payne, called me back after the lesson, what could she want?
She explained to me that she wanted to adopt me...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2016 ⏰

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